
December 14, 2015

Just hello

Hello there!
I have been working hard at my channel but neglecting a bit my blog. I will try to adjust or unify both so the blog doesn't stay behind :o)
This is just a personal post, tomorrow I will have a new video, so check again or subscribe to see it as soon as it is up in the channel

The last few days, actually a whole week already! I've been sick with a terrible flu bug. I rarely get sick so it is extra annoying :oP (Not that ever a flu is welcome).

I'm sharing this cartoon from  Lunarbaboon, visit his page, it is fantastic! But this one in particular is awesome. Enjoy!

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Magic Love Crow said...

I hope you feel better Martha! I love the cartoon!

Ayala Art said...

I am much better, but it was a horrid bug :oP
Isn't the cartoon awesome? Love it too!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!