
February 7, 2016

Face 7 of 29 faces

Is it been a week already? I think I will do some faces in my journal for the next week, working on these tiny 2x2's requires glasses lol But it is a lot of fun! \(Ͼ‿Ͽ)/

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somewhere on the avenue said...

She is looking a little sad today - or is she surprised? x

Robin said...

I messed up my comment somehow so here I go again. I love this face and the colors. Doing a 2x2 face has to be difficult yet you make it looks like it is so large from the details! A screw fell out of my glasses the other day and I had to get my son to screw it back in because I would need my glasses on to do it! LOL! Glasses are important if we are going to do those little details. Hugs, Rasz

Ayala Art said...

I think she is reminiscing...

Ayala Art said...

Me too! I lost a screw... or rather my glasses did ! lol (that would explain many things hahaha) We looked for it for days with no success so we bought a little kit with screwdrivers and super tiny screws... thank goodness they sell those kits!

SusuPetal said...

Your the master of miniature, Martha!

denthe said...

Love all the faces you've done so far! The third one is my favorite. Must be quite hard to work so small ...

DVArtist said...

I missed yesterday. Love her bold chin.

Magic Love Crow said...

You and Rasz made me laugh with your comments! LOL! Your face for today, looks like she is remembering things.

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!