
September 27, 2016

15, 16, 17... 18?

As you probably know by now, we have been in the chaos of moving. Everything that could take longer or go wrong, did go wrong and took longer...
I lost track of how many faces I have made so far, because I posted some in one network but not another , and not here in the blog either... But I will be checking and trying to finish on time.

I cannot figure how to post my images from my iPad... Did I tell you we can't find my monitor yet?
This will be funny sometime in the future 😐

For now I will show you a picture of our cat in his old favorite spot.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Gina said...

Lol...let's laugh about it now, and enjoy the kitty image :D XXX

Marisa said...

I hate moving, the last time I moved the cat got angry and ran away.

Magic Love Crow said...

Awww, I love kitty!! Sorry about all the confusion!! I agree with Gina, let's laugh about it now! LOL! Big Hugs!

Ayala Art said...

This poor guy has not left my daughter's room, or more accurately, under her desk spot! The last couple of days he went all the way to the kitchen, but decided to go back under the desk after eating.... hopefully in a couple of weeks he will feel better. And me too! :oP

Ayala Art said...

Thank you Gina!!! :o*

Ayala Art said...

OK, I will laugh as I open more boxes, but it will be a fake laugh muaHaHaHa
(now I am chuckling at my own silliness)

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!