
September 28, 2016

Finally images, and a video!

So here are 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 ...
As you can see I made a lot of digital images. Not my cup of tea and stretching out of my comfort zone....  still a lot of fun!




And the video is here. Click the image:

Thanks for visiting! Tomorrow and till the 30th I will be trying to complete my faces, which is by far more fun that unpacking boxes! (Ugh!!!)

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September 27, 2016

15, 16, 17... 18?

As you probably know by now, we have been in the chaos of moving. Everything that could take longer or go wrong, did go wrong and took longer...
I lost track of how many faces I have made so far, because I posted some in one network but not another , and not here in the blog either... But I will be checking and trying to finish on time.

I cannot figure how to post my images from my iPad... Did I tell you we can't find my monitor yet?
This will be funny sometime in the future 😐

For now I will show you a picture of our cat in his old favorite spot.

Thanks for stopping by!

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September 15, 2016

Face 14 of 29 faces

This one face was a "stain" as well, but the color was so light, I decided to keep working with m pencil. Whenever I keep working on it, it will be a pretty face, I can tell from now. ;o)

Thanks for visiting! Are you keeping up still?
The hardest part is the posting, I think!
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September 14, 2016

Face 13 of 29. More messy brushwork

I am allowing myself just a few brush strokes  per page.  It looks crazy lol
I am hoping to have more time in the near future to work the next steps, but for now, this is where I am stopping :o)

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September 12, 2016

Face 11 of 29 faces. Messy face

What elements make a face, a face? When does a splash turn into a face?
I am really enjoying painting the minimum  to make a face look like a face.
It is hard for me, loving detail so much, but if you try it, it is a good exercise, and you can always come back and do your familiar thing.
For this challenge I always like trying abstracts and stopping to see what is happening at that time on the composition and the face.

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September 11, 2016

No art today

In honor of the 9/11 tragedy, I do not post art today.
I read that this generation starting high school this fall, is the 1st one that will hear and learn about the 9/11 before they were born. So it was not part of their lives, and yet, we all were marked one way or another in this nation and in the world. Things are done much different now, after that and not really for the better.
I will continue with my challenge tomorrow.

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September 10, 2016

Day 10 of 29

I am still working on different expressions, even if only on simple sketches.

This is how I feel with all my stuff half packed, and my art things put away :oP 

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September 9, 2016

Day 9 of 29 faces

How are you doing in your challenge? We are starting the 2nd week!
For this week if you like a prompt, try to change the size of your work. If you work on a small scale, try to make a larger face, and if you paint big, try a miniature.
I am trying expressions and you can tell she is not happy lol

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Day 8: WIPs

Acrylic stains and ink:
I am going to have so much fun working on this faces, once I have time to paint the color! ♥

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September 7, 2016

Day 6 and 7 of 29

Hello, some days I just have time to splash a bit and run.
I am moving, in case you have not seen my post or videos, so life is chaotic at the moment, but I do want to do a little art, it is refreshing ♥

This is the beginnings of face 6:

And the 7th, which I will make more, based on a simple stain:

I hope you like the WIPs!
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September 5, 2016

Day 5 of 29 faces. Red background

Do you start from blank, or from an under layer?

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September 4, 2016

Day 4 of 29 faces

I love  love love working on weird starts, and tyhen enjoying the next step... do you?

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September 3, 2016

Day 3 of 29 faces

For this week I will be working in some profile faces, and 3/4s. If you like prompts, there you have one for a challenge :oD
Thanks for visiting! I hope you are having fun with your 29 faces!
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September 2, 2016

29 faces, day 2

This will continue... just left is all sloppy to come back to it later. I love doing that!

Want to play the 29 faces? Go to the blog HERE

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