
October 27, 2016

Dear 3 readers

By now it is more than obvious that I am not keeping up with my blogging.
The moving in the middle of the 29 challenge was hard enough, but this unpacking and getting used to a new area, a few things not working properly, weather (dryer and with tons of mosquitoes) 😐 and still unpacking, has proven a bit too much.
Here are some updates:
Surprisingly, I did finish the 29 faces.
My birthday was a few weeks ago, and my daughter turned 19.
I have opened more boxes that I can believe.... and I am not done yet!
Every little thing that could've been wrong, did indeed go wrong. We didn't have beds for days so we remained in a hotel. No internet either, so I felt lucky to have a Starbucks near by, even if I'm not a big coffee drinker :oS

I have been trying to see it as an adventure, but I am yet to clear and organize my art room and that is very stressing.

Anyway, I hope I can settle soon, it is really draining.
Mostly, I have been aiming my attention to my channel, so if you want to see what I'm up to, please visit HERE
Thank you very much for stopping by, I hope you have a blessed rest of the day ♥

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Gina said...

Lol. Life does sometimes feel like walking through quicksand mixed with wallpaper paste. I am sure you will feel better once you get your arting space sorted :D XXX

Ayala Art said...

Dear Gina, seriously, my online friends have kept me afloat! Sending you a big hug ♥

Sunshineshelle said...

I think you are amazing you get so much done while actually having this 'adventure' hehe... I have been struggling to even read let alone write posts ;) Take care & spray on some insect repellent my friend x

Magic Love Crow said...

Martha!! Sending you love and hugs! I wish I could help you unpack! Sending you lots of good energy! Happy Birthday to you and your daughter! Like Shelle said spray some insect repellent! Take Care!!

Ayala Art said...

Thanks Shelle! I actually called the county to come spray, and it helped.... instead of 20 mosquitoes , now we have only 5 in each arm LOL
My poor kid is allergic to the bug bites so each mosquito attack she gets this big welts :o( and the deet seems to make no difference. I hope we get some freezing days soon and the nasty things die :oP

Ayala Art said...

Thank you! I'll take all the good energy and hug it tight hahahaha :o*

sue said...

ugh hoping things get better!!!!!!!

Ayala Art said...

Thanks Suzanne! ♥ They have been getting better, although slower than one would hope lol
I am down to maybe 10 boxes. My son helped moving heavy stuff in his school brake and we are having a respite of the mosquitoes in this cold weather. Instead of 300 we have 2 :oP If you check my newer posts, I have been finally making more art and videos. That always helps with stress

sue said...

Thinking of you this holiday season and hoping you are adjusting to your move. Since two of my boys are out of the house - we are going to downsize.... I have started on one room and have been in that room for the past month!!! UGH - I feel as though I may never get done. Wishing you and your family Happy Holidays!!!!!

Ayala Art said...

The trick I learned is that you work as fast as possible for only 60 minutes and take into piles: donate, keep and sell. Take one hr every day and feels less overwhelming. Frankly most of the stuff we donated, because the selling takes so long and we needed to organize fast. Still, we ended with a lot of stuff we can still "re-filter" lol
Happy holidays to you too! And with any luck you'll be all done and ready soon and 2017 will be bright and awesome ☺
Downsizing is not for the weak! :oP

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!