
January 1, 2017

Reflections of 2016

Happy New Year!
2016 was a weird year, and specially bad for those that were male singers. or female actresses.... lets leave it at that.
For me personally it was  a big change of house, town and family  numbers, as my son remained for one more year in the old town for his university classes.
We are not quite sure we are liking this new town but as we always do, we try our best to thrive till we can change things. That's all one can do really.
As for art, my YouTube channel  has been growing beautifully thanks to visitors, and subscribers. That feeds my need to create more art!

May your paintbrush be well loaded and your canvas ready to create.

Thanks for stopping by and lets make 2017 awesome!

Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter


Gina said...

Looking forward to our arty adventures in 2017 :D XXX

Magic Love Crow said...

Happy 2017 Martha!! Big Hugs!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!