
February 9, 2019

How to paint a face with Gouache

How to paint a face with Gouache, after drawing a cute girl.
I have to say painting with Gouache is fun, but I still do not like the fact that it will reactivate and the paint will move all over, like watercolors.
I personally prefer a type of paint that once it dries, it stays. However, the gouache is so buttery I had to give it another go ;o)

First the post about the drawing a girl: HERE

And this is the video about painting with Gouache: HERE

Drop me a comment and let me know if you have tried this medium and if you like it.
If you are participating in the 29 faces, are you keeping up?

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1 comment:

Magic Love Crow said...

Well done Martha! Love!!!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!