
June 13, 2021

Painting Frida Kahlo's face with acrylics

I'm painting a face with acrylics paints, super easy and fun! It is a Frida Kahlo inspired journal page!
For many years now I always invite people to paint a Frida because it is so much fun. If you haven't done it yet, just try! 💖
Click to watch here or in the image:

I'm linking to the awesome Art Journal Journey blog for more fun art!


My name is Erika. said...

Beautiful painting Ayla. You are good at getting all the details in and using wonderful colors. Thanks for sharing with us at AJJ. Hugs-Erika

Neet said...

Love 'faces' they always intrigue me so I am a people watcher when I am out. I don't know what it is about the human face that fascinates me but it does. It is something I have always wanted to paint p0r draw and have studied many tutorials in order to get my skill level up. I would never dare to use colour, other than skin tones on a face I painted but i admire so much when I see others using blues and greens.
Your Frieda face is tremendous. I am in awe of your talent.
Hugs, Neet xx

Ayala Art said...

Don't be afraid, really! Join next September when we do the #29Faces challenge and practice your skills, plus enjoy all the work of others participating. We always get better! ♥

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!