
March 3, 2024

EASY #GelliPrinting BACKGROUNDS for Beginners - Monochromatic Colors 👈

It is a good challenge to print monochromatic!  I seriously love my gel plate. This time I am using all blue and I made several really cool backgrounds. Check it out! 

Click the image to watch the video, or click HERE.
The results are beautiful and you have now unique collage paper, that's a win/win to me ♥
Let me know if you have tried this style!

February 28, 2024

Creating faces for the 29 faces challenge

This month is the 24th time I run the 29 Faces challenge! To be honest, I don't finish all on time, every time.
I know many in the blogs have participated in the past.

This year I had the best of intentions but... I got called to Jury Duty and it was a very intense thing. I did not feel art inclined in the least.
After that was all done, I decided to sit and draw, for mental health, and because I love drawing.

I want to invite YOU to take some minutes for your "me time" and for your art.
Yes, life gets busy but art is like vitamins, we feel much better when we do it!

Here are some of the faces I created

Have a wonderful day!

February 25, 2024

Gel Printing Fun

Are you into gelli printing? If you are, you know how addictive it can be!
I love spending time printing, and later on after I have a bunch of prints, I like to come up with ideas on what to do with the gel prints!
Some of them are art pieces on their own right, but most of them are ideal for collage paper.
What's your favorite solution?

If you like to watch me print, I have a video for you! 🐘

Click on the image to watch video, or HERE

February 21, 2024

What to do With Gelli Printed Papers!

Now that you printed a TON of amazing Gel Prints, you had fun, but now, what are you going to do with all those prints??

Here's one suggestion, which is as fun as printing, plus you can keep adding more paint!
I had so much fun creating this mini book! 

Click the image or HERE to watch the video

Do you own a gelli plate? 

February 19, 2024

Updates and art

Hey artsy people!
About a year ago we move states, besides selling a house, renting another, decluttering/downsizing in between, and keeping an eye where we were going to live next.... it's been crazy to say the least.

After all that planning and organizing, we arrived to have the horrid Siberian express cold... and no furniture 😂😅😓
I can laugh about it now, but seriously it was awful. 

When the nice weather finally arrived, I tripped on the concrete patio, while gardening- and broke my wrist. That took many months to be in pain, heal, rehabilitate my arm, all that while cussing and being a very bad patient lol

The only thing that kept me going literally, was my loving family and painting.
I was going to say family and "Art", but then you were going to ask... who is Art? lol

So, now that I can open the paint bottles by myself again, I want to revive this blog, and my art channel and invite you to do the same, in case you were uninspired.

Spring is around the corner and I can hear the mojo calling my name.
Thank you for reading this, for visiting, and for keeping me company! 💓

I'll link some of the art videos here, let me know how you are doing and what you've been up to!

Click on the image or HERE to watch the video.