
November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving and thank goodness for links

Here's a very pretty collection of leaves my daugther and I picked on one of our walks, hope you like them. I love the fall colors. So deep and dramatic!

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving! We had a great time, and got to thank twice, since we went to visit family on Saturday and did almost the whole thing all over again. Except I did not over ate. That's just once a year and I was still paying for it lol :oP

Now, I am one that always keeps an eye on artsy and craftsy sites, and I found some very interesting things... Here are the links and please let me know what you think!

1- This is not new, but it's worth mentioning it. It's ALL ACEOs

2- Neat little place Doll Pile (growing fast!) for DOLLS

3-One site that allows you to use/link your etsy store ART FIRE you can list and buy ACEOs, sculpts, etc...more than art.

4- And..... one cool eye TUTORIAL by Rivkah Mizrahi.
I just love her dolls!

November 22, 2008

Moonie and Hair tutorial

Update: To see this moonie tutorial, please click HERE to for a large image in my doll blog

For the hair tutorial, the doll is cloth, but it is same steps for polymer. I like that tacky glue, but also have used many other glues like Gorilla grip, MendAll... you name it! Click HERE to see a larger image in my doll blog.

I'd love to hear your comments or questions as well! :o)
Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter

November 18, 2008

She finally has hair!

Took me forever, but my fairy finally has hair (a beautiful turquoise mohair) AND I finally took a picture. LOL I am very happy with this fairy! She still has her mischivous little face and her wings are so cute! She has a strong wire armature and movable arms & legs, so it is a lot of fun to sit her in a pose. I am still working on a "rock" for her to sit. So far she's been in a regular chair, but she needs something more.... natural forestie-fairie looking place to sit.