
January 29, 2010

Scruffie needs a name

A couple of weeks ago, my husband discovered an abandoned dog by his office. The poor dog was all dirty and scared. After some days however she got close enough to one of the ladies that works there because she brought her some food and water, so that's when they noticed it was a girl doggy, and she wasn't too old. But she was rather filthy and scruffie from sleeping under a car. It's been freezing over in that area.

Well, today we went to get her to take care of her, so she went to the vet, to a good wash, shots and a nice meal. She was not dark gray... she is actually white! LoL
Poor thing. Well, she is much better now. Seems like we are now proud owners of a little terrier dog.
Unfortunately, when I tried to introduce Panzon to her, he got in a hissy fit, scratched me and tore my blouse in one part :oC ouch!
I wish I had a camera nearby to tape his radical change from melted lazy bum into puffed up, hissing irritated bum :oB

I took him out where he has kept a healthy distance, but I hope they eventually will be friends. After all, they will share a backyard :o)

So.... now that she is clean and cute, she needs another name. Any ideas...?
Or should she remain "Scruffie"? LoL
UPDATE: Feb 13 Scruffie is due to have 5 puppies in less than 2 weeks... OMG!!

Oh, don't forget to join me in the OWOH giveaway HERE

Blog look

... There's something that catches my attention, related to how each of us sees a page. Monitor settings, browsers and resolution, gives each screen a different image. How do you see this blog, I wonder??I was talking to a friend who mentioned she can't see the blue columns on the sides.

This is the way it should show:

I guess the difference is due part on the browser, and part of it the display resolution.

Anyway, as much as I love color I have been tempted for a while to have a white background. Kind of like my website. You all might see something different in the next few weeks.
That is, if I don't tangle and kill the html because then you won't see anything LoL

January 28, 2010

wow... what a trip!

I have spent the most enjoyable hours, visiting blogs for the OWOH blog event... Meeting new people, discovering awesome artists/crafters, drooling on their giveaways... I hope I can win something! :oD
There's still like another 600 to go, but there is time.
I found more Frida fellow fans, wonderful painters, all kinds of crafts... yummy colors.... A true feast for the eyes!

Thanks to all the people that have visited! New people and the ol'friends as well, it means a lot to me and fills my little heart with joy:o)

News about my ADO project... My dolls now has been all sanded up, added some extra plumpness LoL she was a bit too skinny, and if she's going to go in such a longs trip back and forth, she needs extra padding ;o) I will take a new picture, this is how she looked before. Now she has more curves and toes.
Poor thing she'll go almost naked to Florida, hopefully she'll have some clothes on by the time she goes to the UK.

January 25, 2010

One World, One Heart GIVEAWAY

Contest closed now. Thanks so much for visiting!
Hello there!
I am participating in this awesome One Word One Heart giveaway! I am #317 in the OWOH list.
Welcome all new visitors, greetings from California, thanks for stopping by!
People responding to THIS post will get a chance to win one of THREE gifts from me:
I have 3 original art pieces, each one is a First place but we will have three first places, yaay! why not?? LoL

The theme is a trip on a flying carpet... Each of the pieces represents my different "art trips" I have done from different interests: sculpting Art Dolls, Painting on canvas, and Art Cards.

Please post your first name and country, all countries are welcome!
You only need to post one comment on this posting! (Click on the top logo to see recent postings)

The winners will be selected on Feb 14th and posted here on the 15th.
So don't forget to "follow" my blog or bookmark and check back!
If you are in twitter, make sure you keep an eye open too, as I will be posting the winners there as well.
Good luck everyone! And thanks for stopping here! :oD

EDIT: I forgot to mention, I am also part of the ADO giving, so visit that BLOG HERE for a chance of 1 of 17 gifts from other ADO members! yaay! My donation to their blog is a Frida camafeo, or cabochon. You can see the pic there.

January 22, 2010

More wood paintings!

I have more Frida inspired art in my etsy shop!
At night, with lose hair by the moon...


This other mini painting is in Ochre and gold tones, with her eyes closed.


And I am also moving things around in my Cafepress site, look for the link later.

January 20, 2010

Here's my heart

I am listings new mini paintings in my etsy store. I showed a WIP some posts ago, and they turned out very nice. Bright colors and lots of texture!
Here are some more that I will upload a bit later:

As for my traveling doll project... I am finishing sanding the feet, but I just can't get a good picture! I wanted to take one of the sanded foot and the un-sanded, but looks like a ghost. The paperclay doesn't like to be photographed by me :oP

January 18, 2010

Rainy Monday

We had strong winds all morning then the rain came with a punch.
The result was that my street was flooded, too close for comfort.
Right now it's all sunny and friendly, but man, I had to get out with my little rake and drag all the tree branches, leaves, papers and one or two confused cats and dogs, out of the curb's drain, so the water could go.
I was a bit tired and annoyed, and had Haiti on my mind. If a tiny rain can do this here, I just wonder of all the effort people have to do to clean and rebuild their town. Let's keep praying for them. May they be able to relocate, rebuild and restart. And that all the help and food really gets delivered timely to the people in need.
If you donate money, make sure is to a real help institution, not some fake online thing.

January 15, 2010

Azura and her cupcake

This little thing is called Azura. Her hair is blue, her tutu is purple, her wings transparent and shiny. I offered her a cupcake and she climbed on my hand all smiles, but when I tried to take pictures of her without it, she almost bit me!

Listed HERE

January 12, 2010

February is coming...

... and with it comes St. Valentine's day, love cards, hugs and elves eating cup cakes. What, you never heard that?
Well, around here we all know that the best way to catch a fairy or an elf is with sweets, so I made tiny cupcakes and a bunch of them showed up.

Click the picture to see the auction.


The best part is that these are not fattening ;o)

January 10, 2010

Sunday afternoon...

My ADO doll is currently waiting to finish drying so I can put her together and paint. I need to work on my journal too, but at least now I know how to do it, because even when I love the journals, my little hands have never made one so it's all new to me.
... Should I post a picture? Or leave you chewing on your nails, guessing?
hee hee hee XoD

Also, want to share 2 videos today, they are awesome!
One of them is all about dolls, so well done and a bit spooky:
Seems like the format is too wide, hopefully it will show ok.

The next one is funny about clay armatures, it's so cute and creative!

Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter

January 6, 2010

Wisemen cake, or the 3 Kings cake

One of the traditions I liked the most growing up, was having the traditional Rosca de Reyes, (King's cake) celebrated on the 6t of January. (Not to mention the toy in my shoes!)
It is a mildly sweet bread, with crystallized fruit on top and a hidden plastic baby Jesus. I guess there's many different recipes for it, so you have to check what's in there to see if you're going to like it.
We have moved to many cities so every time was a new experience.
Some time ago we bought one that looked nice, but tasted like paper and baguette bread LoL Other times we just don't buy any because they look pitiful or kind of burnt, or dried out.... pretty much kills the craving for cake LoL

Oh! I found a blog dedicated to cake wrecks and I wanted to share:

I guess the solution would be for me to learn to make one, but I rather buy one and help the bakers economy. You have not heard of them getting any bailouts have you? :oP Not to mention I don't want to end up in that blog as a cake wrecker! LoL

So here's a slice for you: (oh! you got the hidden baby! lucky you!)

And this is what I see in my kitchen window to make winter go by easier: beautiful azaleas! This is the first time they make it, but I don't dare to plant them outside. 3 have dried up back there already, the air is just too hot in the summer.

January 4, 2010

New year. New dolls. New projects...

Are you enjoying your new year so far? I hope you are.
This past weekend we had the best weather ever, of ANY year we ever had around here. Sunny, blue skies, even a bit warm...
Not even last summer we saw bluer skies. I was in heaven!
Of course today was back to school for the kids and the fog came along LoL cold and humid Monday, but that's ok, it was a nice brake from Winter anyway!

I am currently working on my ADO Project for the Traveling Doll. I am a little nervous since I have not done it before, but it will be thrilling to see other dolls and get the chance to work on them. My doll will go to Florida, and then to the UK, then back home. How about that! I wonder if I can mail myself in the same box? ;o)

Go visit Tracey
And Dellarae
to see the progress of our traveling dolls.

I am also painting the heads I showed before, the are looking good!