
September 13, 2010

Ancestors and a Listing today

I have been learning about my ancestry. It is such a wonderful thing! It all started when they asked my son in History class to gather information about his ancestors. From my mother in law they can trace all the way to the 1700's from the French and English people that made her family. From my part I can say I never was interested in digging in the past. I know my grandfather had some cousins in Spain. I got to meet 3 of my great grandmothers. So it didn't sound too much into the past to me hehehe
Anyway, I now have several generations pinpointed and have learn of their tragedies and triumphs. It is interesting to know I have bright teachers with a school to their names, a radio personality (before the TV existed) a priest, two politicians ....and a bandit who was smuggling spirits during the prohibition!! LoL Doesn't get any better than that!

I listed this little ACEO girl on ebay. I like her a lot and the inspiration came in part of Frida, one of my favorite painters, but also from a wonderful OLD picture of one of my ancestors.

See the picture and tell me what you think. She is the mother of my great grand father on my dad's side of the family. Isn't she a pretty girl?

In 1902 she became the mother of the man who 37 years later became the first Mayor in their little town.


Marlene said...

Lovely painting. I love delving into my ancestors, to me it is fun. We have my mom's side of the family back to Denmark in the 1600's, my dads side was/is a bit harder. In his line we have found Marlena Detrick (sp) and a diplomatic liason to South America.

Anonymous said...

Wow..kind of fascinating finding out about your ancestors! Probably a good thing your son asked as that information would be harder to find as the years go by. My mom's side like yours came over in the 1700's but I know nothing of my dad's side save but that they came over on the 20's. I can only imagine what it must have been like for our relatives to come over to a new place and start all over. Your great great grandmother was a strikingly beautiful lady and your painting is lovely tribute to her. You know what would be an amazing project? Paint portraits of your great grandparents, parents and have a beautiful family tree painting! OK, a lot of work(!) but what a wonderful thing to pass down as well..your grandkids will be able to tell their kids that you painted it. I'm rambling as usual..have a great one!

GlorV1 said...

Very interesting Martha. I have the CD Ancestry and pretty much from time to time have come up with a lot of names, etc. I think it's fun. Yes she is a very pretty woman. It would be nice to paint her, give it a try. Your little Frida is very pretty. Have a great day.

Ayala Art said...

Thanks Marlene! South America huh? I wonder if it was Venezuela? There were a lot of people from Denmark there, still are in the Caribbean.

Ayala Art said...

Christine, I thought for a minute to paint that, but it takes me forever to paint realistic. In fact I still have 2 paintings half done of my children... I will upload them. Of course by now they are different and older! agh! I have to finish them soon! :oD

Ayala Art said...

Gloria I went to where they have the old registries of many churches from different countries. Baptisms, weddings, deaths. But in the old days a lot of data didn't include place of birth, so you have to have more than a year to go by and search more. And MY family liked moving! We just don't know how to stay put hahaha!

Magic Love Crow said...

Hey Martha ;o) Thanks so much for sharing the information about your ancestors! Very interesting and fun! My mom was a war baby. She was left at a home for kids, when her father went off to war, so she never really new her parents, she was very young (4 years old). She never saw her mother again, but, when my mom turned 50, she had a knock on our door, and it was her father, after all these years! He had never stopped looking for her. ;o))) I love the aceo! She has so much emotion in her eyes!! WOW! And, the picture of your ancestor, I think she is very beautiful! She has very strong features!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are great tales here!! Such amazing stories, we have bushrangers & politicians as ancestors, joke is no one was sure which was which LOL! Goodness Stacy imagine meeting your dad after 50 years OMG!!! Hopefully a happy reunion : )
Love the photo Martha (and your aceo of girl with braids is beautiful) the woman in the photo is breath taking, truthfully, & so exotic, she's gorgeous! Pleased I called by, your blog is wonderful : )

Ayala Art said...

Stacy, what a story! 50 years later? So good to hear she met her dad!

Shelle, thank you so much! :oD

Sissy Sparrows said...

I love your ACEO and I love your family picture... wonderful story, her eyes are amazing!

Desirée said...

Love the painting! A beautiful girl!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!