
March 7, 2014

More finished pieces

....Or are they? ;o)
Maybe I can still add something else later to these journal pages.


I like the background on the lady on the left side, so I don't plan to change it, maybe the flowers a bit.
And the little girl, well, she needs something else. It is too "cold" with so much green going on, so I'm thinking collage and after that I will see if I add to the background as well.

Do you like using green on the faces? Besides eye color that is ;o)

Check my available art and online classes

I'm sharing this with Manon's  Paper Saturday


GlorV1 said...

I like them. They look finished to me. Nice job.

Pam Hardy said...

Very pretty girls!

Lynn Cohen said...

I like both, will like to see how you decide to enhance either.

denthe said...

I didn't think there was too much green in the little girl's face. I must say I hardly ever use green on my faces. Somehow it always seems too much. I do like adding a bit of blue ...

Magic Love Crow said...

Martha, I like both these faces! Using green? Very interesting! I will e-mail you back, soon ;o)

Victoria said...

How gorgeous...they are both divine and beautiful..enchanting souls...beautifully done!

manomij said...

The lady with the flowers in the hair reminds me so much of the face in the world you made for me with other participants. Every time I walk past her she reminds me of that experience :) She is lovely. Happy Paper Saturdays! ManonX

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!