
May 20, 2014

Etsy changes and sale code

Some people knew about it months ago, some had no clue, and some like me, had it changed and asked for our opinion after the fact. What? The Etsy new look, which is basically the removal of the banner and relocation of info around the page.
Do I like it? No. Does it help people? Not really.
But.... I already told them in their survey. Lets see what happens.

Meanwhile, I have a 40% off sale in my shop. I need to refresh my mojo to create more ACEO and this is a fun way (-'‿'-)
So, visit my shop HERE and use code:  WOW40OFF
The offer is active till the end of the month. See you there!

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Magic Love Crow said...

Hey Martha, I just got back hearing from Etsy. They have assured me, that it is just a test and they are getting feedback from everyone. They told me, when people look at my shop, who aren't in the test mode, they will see our shops, like they usually do ;o)
I have to check out your sale!
Big Hugs ;o)

Ayala Art said...

Yes, I noticed that. It looks horrible!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!