
June 4, 2015

Art journal page

Here is a page of my journal, and update on my dolls (which i will post more details in my doll blog!)
The page was made for Dallas, a great illustrator who invited people to make his Reaching hands, towards something we love doing... so you see what my hands are :o)
I debated between this and chocolate lol And the winner was a guy that made his hands reaching waffles... so I was not too lost there hee hee hehehe

And I am participating in this Summer of Color! at least as much as I can.... but it is one of those juicy activities I cannot skip, loos like SO much fun!
Thanks for visiting :o*
P.S. I cannot leave comments in blogs that require G+ to leave a post... sorry!

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Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful journal page! Valerie

Rosie Kaplan said...

Very evocative

BrownPaperBunny said...

Very cool. I agree with Valerie!

Nordljus said...

What a great page! Enjoy SOC!

froebelsternchen said...

Fantastic page Martha!
Happy PPF!

PaintingWrite said...

Ha, that's a great idea for a theme and I love what you're reaching towards!

Christine said...

Very nice choice and art! I have the same problem with Google+

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

This is a fun page. Thanks for sharing the link to SOC, which sounds like fun too. Blessings, amiga! #40

Laila said...

Lovely page. You might have won with your chocolate, but I think this is a better one still.

Linda Kunsman said...

fun journal page and a great idea too!

Faye said...

Love your hands! I had forgotten already about the summer of colors so I need to get cracking on that. Thanks for the reminder.

Gina said... supplies or chocolate...tricky one lol :D XXX

GlorV1 said...

Hi Martha. I like your page. It's pretty cool. Love those arms reaching out. Yes I will see you on SOC. It's only six weeks, you can do it. Take care and watch out for those hot days a coming.

Katie Jeanne said...

haha..when I first saw it, I thought it was a photo of your arms. :))) You completely got me there for a second. Great page!! Very realistic.

GlorV1 said...

Martha, the wisteria pods have seeds in them that can be planted.:)

Anonymous said...

beautiful journal page, I sometimes have trouble with google too!

Anewdawn 16 said...

ur page is fun.... :)

Beth Niquette said...

I love this! How clever you are.

Robin said...

Great job Ayala! I think the chocolate would be a close 2nd. If it were me, I would have done what you did. Art and getting messy and art journals always come first, right? Hugs, Rasz

Kate Robertson said...

Love the reaching hands.

Karla B said...

Love your page!Gorgeous!

Jo said...

love it!!

My name is Erika. said...

Fun page!

Giggles said...

Yep it really depends on the hormone levels on whether it's art supplies or chocolate... waffles sound good too!! Great illustration!

Hugs Giggles

Carol said...

Love the art! I'd be stuck between the art supplies and the garden tools but the waffles sound great too :)

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!