
February 29, 2016

Last face of 29

Wow! Last hour of the last day... but here is my face for today. I am not sure if I posted everything I worked on, because I went out of town for a couple of days and lost track of postings, but I will check tomorrow and post whatever is missing ♥

Video coming soon... Thanks for visiting and for participating in this challenge. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, and also, thanks for the wonderful words in your posts, so encouraging and wonderful, really makes my day brighter! ♥
Let's do this again in September!

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February 25, 2016

How to mix paint for skin tones.

How to mix paint for skin tones, the basic way. For lighter flesh use less red and for darker use blue in the shadowing.

Watch me painting a page in my visual journal, with left over paint and a loose brushstrokes


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February 24, 2016

Day 24 of 29 faces

I made another tiny square: There is a paperclip next to it for proportion.

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February 23, 2016

Art journal ideas: paint an abstract face tutorial

Paint a whimsical abstract face in your art journal! #free tutorial!

Watch the video here:

This was so much fun to paint! It is for Carmen's journal, and the background was painted by Selina from NZ, finished by me... and I started the one for Sandra in the UK to work on!
Look for that next video! ♥

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February 21, 2016

Tiny sketches for day 21 of 29

I made 3 little sketches, I am liking this color paper instead of the white, seems like there is already a background, even if I did not add a thing :o)
Faces 21, 22, 23

I know I will be adding more color to these little girls.

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February 20, 2016

Sketch on paper, face 19 and 20 of 29 ♥

I have been dealing with a annoying cold. Ugh! one kid, then me, now my poor husband. I hope my other kid doesn't catch it and we start another round lol
Well, my faces for yesterday and today:

I think they turned out very sweet ...
There are just 9 more days for the challenge!
Try something new, grab those supplies and practice that technique you have been thinking about! ♥

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February 18, 2016

How to paint a Spring Girl, Art journal page

How to paint a Spring girl in this Traveling journal book:
Watch video here:

 This is part of the C.A.C. Hashtag event #LoveSpringArt
Let me know in the comments if you like it ♥

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February 17, 2016

Simple outline face, day 17 of 29 faces

This is a simple outlined face, in yellow paper, no watercolor. The yellow makes a big contrast looking energetic, even when she is peacefully looking at you :o)


Thanks for visiting, and I hope you are enjoying your challenge!

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February 16, 2016

10 Top art journal supplies for Art Journaling

Hey guys, I made a video on the 10 top  art supplies for art journaling!
It is definitely not the only materials, but it is starter list:


What are your favorite materials?

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February 15, 2016

A Page idea for the Traveling book

This page is more sort of a portrait, with 2 faces, and it is still in progress, but here we go!
It is made for one of the traveling books :oD  I will post the end result when I'm done.

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February 14, 2016

How to make St Valentine's cards

These are for ideas on how to make cards for St. Valentine's day, enjoy!
Happy Love and Friendship's day!

Watch video here:
Have a wonderful day!

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February 13, 2016

Drawing a face looking to the side. Day 13 of 29 faces

Drawing a face looking to the side. Kind of 3/4 and with the eyes to the side.
She turned up so funny! The expression on her faces is like... "green was not such a good idea after all" lol
I like making my faces looking to the front,  but definitely, some faces say much when looking to the side.

"Going green" does not necessarily involve hair.

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February 12, 2016

Drawing a profile face. Day 12 of 29 faces

Drawing a profile face. I rarelypaint of draw profiles but they are a lot of fun.
Tip: The thing we have to be careful here is to place the chin in the right place, so it is not sticking out, or sunken too deep.
I thought of adding some whimsical pink hair and she's done.

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February 11, 2016

Painting darker skin tones. Day 11 od 29 faces

I'm painting darker skin tones today. I am very happy with this face!
I used umber, ochre, red, blue and sienna and pink.  Since the size is so tiny, it was barely drops of watercolor or not even that... more like tiny brush tips.
I didn't want to paint a background because I liked the face so much ;o)

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February 10, 2016

Drawing a face looking up. Day 10 of 29 faces

Drawing a face looking up. This to me is one of the trickiest angles for a face!
I could use more practicing ;o) This is also done in a 2x2 inches watercolor paper.
Basically I have all the elements placed up high in the head, show the bottom of the jaw and neck and the shadowing helps.
Since I am avoiding too many details, the less lines the better, and it still gives an impression of the looking-up angle.

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February 9, 2016

Drawing a face looking down. 29 faces... day 9.

Drawing a face looking down.
Part of the challenge is making the face in different angles. Yesterday I made a 3/4 to the side, and today a face looking down. The best way to create this effect is to have all the face elements towards the bottom and enlarge a bit the top part.
Then added color, I am working with watercolors this time around.
Are you trying to practice different angles too?

2x2 inches

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February 8, 2016

Adding hair to a painting. Face 8 of 29

Adding hair to a painting:
She could've easily be an alien but a few more colors and hair, and things changed dramatically in this 2x2 tiny watercolor face.

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February 7, 2016

Face 7 of 29 faces

Is it been a week already? I think I will do some faces in my journal for the next week, working on these tiny 2x2's requires glasses lol But it is a lot of fun! \(Ͼ‿Ͽ)/

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February 6, 2016

Face 6 of 29 faces

Watercolor in 2x2 inches size. What size are you working on?
My husband said this neck angle is impossible... I said I am having fun!
It is called whimsical for a reason, right? ;o)

Are you keeping up? I hope so!

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February 5, 2016

Face 5 of 29 faces

One thing about working in small scale: You finish rather quickly! lol
I am not worried about perfection so running colors are ok, it is part of the watercolor fun.

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February 4, 2016

Face 4 of 29 faces, more watercolors

I am having fun with these tiny faces! Watercolor and ink. I might seal them with something, because watercolors will always tend to run if wet again!

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February 3, 2016

Face 3 of 29

Watercolor and ink for this week, 2x2 inches:

Are you using something new for this challenge? or perfecting something you already know?

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February 2, 2016

Face 2, watercolors

I am going to be making little watercolor faces this week. I made my paper marked 2x2 inches, so they are tiny Xo)
This is a big close-up:

Happy groundhog day! And Candlemas day too!

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February 1, 2016

February 1st! 4 years of the 29 faces challenge

4 years of the 29 faces challenge! I am surprised it has been years, of the day I decided to cerebrate the leap year with art... faces, which I love making...
Thanks for flying along with me in this crazy month of self discovery and practice of making faces.
Here is mine post: May your muse be your best friend! :o)
 Go to the blog and add yourself in the Mr Linky (use the label 29 faces, then post in your blog, click your own tag, and copy that link to the Linky, so all the same-tag posts will show, so only one adding time)

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