
February 6, 2016

Face 6 of 29 faces

Watercolor in 2x2 inches size. What size are you working on?
My husband said this neck angle is impossible... I said I am having fun!
It is called whimsical for a reason, right? ;o)

Are you keeping up? I hope so!

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Lora said...

she is lovely, love the colors.

DVArtist said...

Hey at least she has a neck. LOL She is just too cute.

Amanda Trought said...

I am really enjoying it, I wanted to get back into painting faces, and this has been an ideal opportunity. I agree with you, there is no impossible with whimsical, lol.

Carol said...

Love her and thank you so much for doing the challenge again ♥

Tammie Lee said...

yes, whimsical
when i read it is not possible i tried to tilt my neck like this, close but could not do it ;-)
thank goodness for whimsical. lovely colors and fun to work so small.

Dea Lenihan said...

She's lovely! In fact I would love her haircut. xo

Ayala Art said...

I tried it too and almost got stuck lol

Ayala Art said...

Well, all it takes is one big curl in one side hehehehehe ;o)

Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! Funny! She is a quirky girl! Cute!

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. .Keep your paintbrush wet!