Guess that's why I never really kept a diary either lol
I think of writing something, updating, share with the world (ok, the 3 people who read my blog :oP)
But then life happens, kids need help with homework, or need to run errands and you know, the whole stuff that people have to do during a week, and by the time I turn around, it's been FOREVER since I last updated.
OH! and something else! When you type and hit preview, you see all the wonderful stuff you typed right? Then if you want to go back, you delete ALL your text if you are not careful!!!
That happened to me a couple of times in the past months and I was so discouraged, I just did not re-type the entry.
Yup, that's me, the disappearing text master. :oP
Now that we clarified that point, I could say that since the past February (my last entry to this blog) we had a nice March, April, May.... then summer fell on top of my head.
Just now I went to dig all over the place for my password (I know, I keep loosing the darn pass, I'm just glad is not my house key!) and came here to merrily type with no goal or purpose.... so if you get bored, you are free to click your browser's back button :oD
OK, in more detail I'd say through this months I painted like a maniac... left a bunch of drawings half done... found a new passion for my oils, so I started to cut a lot of canvas in ACEO size, and painted some more.
Here's a painting I made of Frida. Acrylics on canvas:
I also have several paper dolls in different stages of creation. Some just need a few touches to be ready, but since we re-organized this room, somehow I think I packed my creative muse as well.
Then I craved fabric, so I went to get a bunch of colorful cuts of fabric and made different patterns to make dolls.
If I like what I make, you'll see it online, if I don't like them, the dog will have a lot of new toys lol.