December 24, 2017

Christmas wishes

My Christmas wish for you: Peace in your heart, health in your body, money in your account, love all around you and time to enjoy it all! Oh.... and art supplies!   💖  ☺️   🎨 #mywishforyou 😋

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This little snow man was made some winter ago when we went to a place where it actually snows lol For us here, we just get some icy nights and that's as much as I can take :oD
Stay warm, stay creative! Here's for a wonderful, positive 2018 ♥

December 19, 2017

How to paint a snowman card

 Hello everyone, this is another gift for you, Merry Christmas!
This is the video with instructions HERE  and also a drawing in case you have trouble making your own snowman:

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December 12, 2017

How to paint a poinsettia with acrylics

This is a fun Christmas painting/decoration/card that can be done with the kids as well.
Enjoy the tutorial HERE, and if you can't draw so well, here is the outline for you!
It can be used as many times as you want, but should not be added in a group of other drawings to be shared or sold. Thanks!

Merry Christmas!

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