The past few weeks have been a bit crazy. With the little flood we had after the ton of rain in California... and our poor cat was attacked be another cat and got a bad infection (now he's $porting a bald $pot in the head and mi$sing a cheek... yes it wa$ $$ at the vet too.) then some of my yearly routine tests came back weird, so they needed more tests and took their time to give me the results (which is by itself very stressing and sickening!) Then my MIL had some problems to fix in her house which my husband went to fix, only to ....break his wrist! :o(
But finally, I heard back from the results, everything is fine with me, which makes everything else a lot easier to take. I am ready to say good bye to crazy 2010, not that we could keep it anyway, but wasn't it a crazy year? worldwide! It had it's good moments but.... Oh well!
Here's hoping that 2011 is beautiful, prosperous, and more than anything else... full of love and health!
Health is like a clean house... you only notice when it isn't so.