November 15, 2011


Time is a funny thing. The days feel so slow, but then I turn around and a bunch have piled up on me without a post!  :oP
My MIL's health got worse over the weekend and gave us a scare, but seems she is a bit better now.

I have been painting, and gathering goodies to list. Seems that it takes for ever just to put one listing together! Or am I just too picky? Not sure :o0
But in any case, I am listing items in ebay HERE and getting ready to do the same in Etsy

And for those that collect ACEOs keep and eye open, because I am listing sets of 4 or more cards by theme.
I realized that if I see some here, I don't feel like making more. Sales have been slow so that kind of clogs my painting mood. At least that's my theory :oS
So out with the ready, and on with the brushes! (isn't it how the saying goes?)

I have also received a couple of request for prints in other size than the original art. I am not sure what to do about it, since I am not much into prints, so I guess I will have to check on zazzle.
The guys incafepress made me mad by giving away my money I had earned, to some undisclosed charity, without telling me! Just because I did not spend or charge that money fast. So I closed that shop. I should be able to select what charity my money goes to and be notified before they will do that. Ugh.

And going back to art, here's what's on my table:

I rarely do such dark colors, and more than pensive she looks sad. My husband said she was haunted, even when I soften her eyes quite a bit before he looked at her lol
The scanner can't take the whole painting, so i will have to take a picture, but so far I'm happy with it :o)


  1. I'm the same way when sales are slow, Martha. Can't seem to create much. Then I have a few sales & panic thinking my shop doesn't have enough in it!

    I like how the painting is coming!

  2. I love how the painting is coming along Martha ;o) My sales have been up and down. I find it's very different from last year?

  3. I hope you meant to type haunted...instead of hunted. Yes she is pensive but I do find myself coming back for a second look. Peace, Mary Helen

  4. Those spell checkers are something aren't they? lol

  5. Debbie, Stacy, thanks for your comments!☺

  6. She is beautiful! And I really love the colors you chose to shade her face with and the background.
    Sales are not the best all around here either--but keep making art!

  7. Love this painting Martha, very beautiful & very soulful... must admit sales seem almost non existent, but I think others may like a lot of things we all create, just times are tough so art is considered a bit of a 'luxury' item over paying bills & food LOL... I have given paintings to my family as Christmas presents or birthdays sometimes which they love (esp my mum) usually they are so happy it gives me the incentive to paint more ;) Don't let lack of sales get you down, or judge your work by it, you are a wonderfully talented artist and when the economy is better hopefully things will move a little quicker on the sales side!

  8. Very gorgeous painting!!!!!!! Love the play of color!!!!!!


  9. Ton bonheur est contagieux car il m’atteint aussi, au travers de cette peinture.



I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!