The first week of school always makes me feel lost... all the running so early in the mornings then the quiet stillness of the house. Even the cat had a time for a nap. Oh, never mind, he always has time for a nap! :o)
So today it's our first Saturday and I have a bunch of DOLL tutorial links to post.
Some are in a different language but very easy to follow by the pictures:
My son turned 15 today. I can't believe it yet! He's growing so tall and
his voice so deep, not the little thing I met lol, but still as noisy.
He doesn't play with a plastic hammer anymore but with real tools. Gosh
where did time go? :o) I just have a problem, I think I ate too much cake!
now that the kids are back in school, I have been working on a personal
crusade, to call it one way. I have the goal to finish all the projects
I left half way done for one reason or another... and that includes my
cloth dolls and mix media. One of them is a Frida Kahlo. Here's a
picture of her, still bald. Her face is sculpted and painted. By now she
has earrings, a zarape and shoelaces, but I took the picture before
that. She will have mohair and ribbons on her head. I am very happy with
her dress, I had not touched my sewing machine for a long time!:oD
We went to see Ponyo. I am not into anime, but since I have 2 kids I am into kid's movies. I could take more romantic comedy movies though :o). So anyway my comments on the Ponyo movie... I loved the visual stuff, colors, characters, all the fish and the water in cartoon, very nice! The story? yuck! The mom drives like a maniac, doesn't listen to the guards, endangers her 5 year old kid and then leaves him alone to go back to the same spot where she was supposed to have staid. huh? OK, they needed drama, that's a way to get it hehehe
Once Ponyo turns into a little girl (a bit hyper for my taste too) she made me want to grab my pencil and draw! Which takes me to the next part of the post... we are getting ready for school and after a loooong summer with no math, I felt we should have a little warm up, so we sit an hour of tutoring. They did math, I did the sitting :oP While sitting and getting bored I took my pencil and a leftover paper from my son. He was going to do a sea monster but changed his mind and abandoned the paper. This is the result: The "sea monster" became part of the hat, can you see it? :oD I never made little boys for my little "niñas" but I think it's a good thing. I was pretty happy with it, particularly since trying to make a 3D girl out of my drawings is what took me to the polymer clay and dolls.
Thanks to all the wonderful people that participated in this lil' giveaway. I have the video of the drawing and congratulations to the winner!!
It took like 10 minutes for the video to upload.... My daughter picked 3 papers from the basket and from there selected the winner. Congrats Catherine! yaay! I hope you all had fun, I did! And here's to another year of learning, creating and blah-ging!
...of posting random artsy chitchat! wow... 4 years... I never celebrated this blog's anniversary, so I decided to do so this year with something special to me. A giveaway of a 4x4 inches mini painting, painted back in 2005. This is one I kept for a test to see how the colors held and I have to say they look like if I painted it yesterday! Anyone can participate, from anywhere in the world! And if you subscribe to my youtube, your name gets listed twice, so double the chance!! :o)
I actually started to blog after the first reading about it in the Art Divas group. Which by the way now I am helping moderate the Art Divas in ning, so if you hear any explosions over there it was me, having a little accident :o.
I had another blog, then made this one , took me a while to get used to it or remember to come and post.... In time, I got to meet wonderful people from far away places, learned cool new things and different ways people do their art. And also I get to share with others a bit of me, my endeavors, my craft, and post tips of things I enjoy doing, to help others as well.
In this past years I have changed painting methods, subjects, styles, materials... I went from painting back to sculpting; from stitching back to painting again... I went from listing every day, to not listing at all... from large canvas, to small format, to polymer and paperclay.
The only thing that has not changed is my love for creating. I have learned a lot, and hopefully I have helped someone out there to learn something new. So, if you are interested in the Give away, please post a comment here, and week after the anniversary (which will be the 18th) we'll randomly select a winner. Good luck!
I was invited to make a how-to video in Deb's group in ning. I love helping people, but I like helping in a helping way... does it make any sense?? lol What I mean is, I like helping directly to the best of my ability, but never done a video like that, and if I make a tutorial I hope it really helps. I had to sit and think.... how can I make something that will really help... in a video, that also looks good? So... I have been doing a lot of thinking and learning on how to make a how-to video :oP I need a few elements. I have to be clear and helpful (need to make lists and a script)... It has to look pretty (have to clean all the junk from my desk AGH!)... and since it has to be a video, it has to sound good too (which is half impossible with the kids out of school).... *moooom she brought the cat in!! moooom he took the cat out!! moooom I'm hungry.... meeeww!! (that's Panzon asking for food too)
An approx time line of all of the above mentioned steps would be: - Working on a list of things needed- couple of hours - Clear a huge amount of stuff from my working table- six months - Actual video taping once everything is settled- interrupted sequences depending on the noise around, couple of hours a day, several days.... - Editing video till I like it- another six months LOL I guess a good solution would be, hide in the closet with he camera rolling while the kids are having pizza. Oh well. ;o)
That reminded me, over a year ago I made a little slide show demo on how to paint a Frida with acrylics on canvas. I will upload it in youtube again. I had it before and I don't remember why I took it down. But it will be up tonight. :o) I am working on more videos and slide shows (doll related) so keep an eye on my youtube, you can subscribe too!
I want to make some demos on polymer and on painting ACEO art cards. But for now, I'll leave you with the painting of my tropical Frida, circa 2007