January 24, 2012

29 faces challenge

I love leap years! Since this year February has 29 days, I will be celebrating it doing something fun... do you want to join me?
29 faces in February! Why? Because we love to paint, sketch, illustrate and draw!
Any face... any medium, any size, any technique. 29 pieces total.

I have been thinking about how to run this, and I think the best way is to link in blogs, and also in Facebook, for those that like it there. I will be twitting as well.

I will add an easy way to grab the button to be part of it. Check the left column to find it. To take it to your blog just copy the text box there, and in your blog get a "html/java gadget" and paste the text there. That's it.

UPDATE: Post every face in your blog, every day in February, even if it is not finished, that's OK. Add a label to the post "29 faces" so all those posts will be gathered (when people click on that tag/label) Click in my "29 faces" tab in the upper menu, and follow instructions on how to add your link, so people click from here and see all your 29-faces-posts.

Now you have to be ready for February!  Use all those art supplies!
*Just made a FB event, let me know if you want to be added there!

if you like this post, share it with the buttons below:(If you read the feed, click the post title)


  1. I'm in!!! Sounds like fun and I am always up for a challenge! Really looking forward to it!

  2. I will have to really think about this...I have a terrible habit of falling behind. I will enjoy everyone's process though. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  3. Lizzy, great!
    Mary Helen, me too! Last time I was in a challenge, lots of weird things happened, like if on purpose, but I did my best.
    Sometimes we work better under pressure. Key word: "sometimes!" hehehe

  4. I've been debating in my head.... Can i really commit to this? But i think i can, aceo size that is.... Count me in!

  5. I'm in :D Love a challenge with a deadline lol:DXXX

  6. That sounds great, but I am not sure I gotz it.
    Does everybody has to draw 29 faces, or do just 29 person join in, or what is it with the 29?

  7. Good Luck Martha!!! I can't do faces! LOL! Can't wait to see all your art ;o)

  8. Great to hear you girls are joining!

    Janine, February has 29 days this year, so we make 1 face a day, all through the month. Any body can join, the more, the merrier!

    Stacy, you make faces all the time! Your baby crows! ♥

  9. I would love to participate in something like this, but I just don't know if I have the time. I will keep it in mind though!


  10. Have fun with it! Hope you get a lot of people joining in :)

  11. Yes, I am definitely in =) Please add me to Fb as well.
    One question, are we going to post these faces daily, or at the end of the month...all at once?

  12. Thanks Pam! And Kaili!
    Hi Angel! Post daily in your blog, even if it is not finished. But the fun part if to push ourselves a bit.

  13. Hello!!
    When I read this I love the idea.. but thinking if I can upload my creation every day.. hmm? I don't know.
    Have fun!!

  14. hmm, i love drawing faces and i'm sure i could draw one everyday. the challenge would be to scan and post them! that's the hard part!!!

  15. Peggy, yes, I know what you mean, it can get very intense some days!

  16. Such a great idea and I look forward to following what everyone gets up to... I did Art Every Day month last November and it was fantastic... sadly I am already sooo busy... wonder if there are some things I can move around to make time...

  17. Impressive and fun idea, though I doubt I will have the time to participate... ÓxÒ

    And regarding using medium with acrylics; No, I haven't tried it yet! I think I should... However, we have had a nude model study this whole week where we had to paint her on canvas, and I used acrylics... And suddenly, I think I might be getting the hang of it now (after six-or-so years of cursing it... XD)!
    We'll see next week, when it's time for the male model. ^-^

    // -T.W-

  18. What a wonderful idea! I love a good challenge and like painting faces. I'll have to think about this over the next few days to decide if I can commit. I'll be watching the blog party though for sure!

  19. Martha, I will look forward to visiting and seeing your faces each day. I don't know if I want to commit to that many faces. But your art is so beautiful I'll come see it.

  20. Love the idea! I have been wanting to sketch more faces. Posting every day in February may be too much of a challenge but I will join in when I can.

  21. sounds like fun, and a challenge!

  22. I like your idea, and I would love to participate. That will be a big challenge for me!

  23. Well, I don't know for sure if I can make them all myself! Xo} That is the challenge

  24. What a great idea! After my year of faces, I wonder if I have 29 new ones left in me...tempting challenge though.

  25. What a great idea! I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone creates!

  26. Now that's intriguing! :) I love drawing faces. I just might join you. :)

  27. Well, I'm a real face girl, but I've got a very busy month coming up.... I keep spreading myself too thin!

    I'll enjoy seeing yours and the other participants though - even if I don't get to participate.

  28. good luck! I'm sure you'll create beautiful faces.

  29. Sounds like a lot of fun Martha. Life is too busy right now or I'd say I'm in. I'll definitely keep watching your blog to see who draws what. Great idea.

  30. What a great idea for a leap year! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy PPF. Blessings,

  31. Here's a question -- I have untold numbers (probably close to 29 -- if not more ;-)) of half-finished, incomplete projects lying around here that involve faces. I feel like this challenge might actually give me the motivation (if not even force me) to revisit these hanging projects and actually finish them up and declare them DONE (which would be lovely! ;-)). Would this be an acceptable way to participate in the challenge....?

  32. Wow, what a cool idea! Brilliant - I will be watching and may join in if time permits, thank you! xoxo

  33. Thanks so much, and yes, I'm really leaning toward trying this! Like the others said, the uploading and posting everyday would likely be the most challenging part of this for me, but I'll see what I can do ;-). In any case, thanks so much for instigating this challenge -- really sounds like fun and a great opportunity to be super productive!

  34. ooo how much fun.. and I love the freedom of it!

  35. Great idea! I'm joining in, although I'm not sure I'll be able to post each day. But I'll give it my best shot! Now I just have to figure out how to add a label to a post (I'm a brandnew blogger...)

  36. Great idea ~ though not sure I can 'fit it in' ~ will see ~namaste, carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

  37. I will do my best to join in every day-thanks!! I do really do faces-or drawing-or painting, so this will be interesting!!

  38. Please add me to the FB group! excited!!!! :)

  39. Yeh sounds fun I am in!!!

  40. Even if it's a doodle, I'm going to try to join in!

  41. Discipline and time limits, I like this approach and think it will be torturous fun! I linked, too.

  42. I'm in and linking right now... no time to scan first drawing, so it's coming from my droid! LOL! Fun! Thanks!

  43. I'm in! Linking now... Thanks!

  44. I would love to be added to your FB event!
    Hope I have my blog set up correctly, if not, I'm sure someone will tell me how to do it correctly. Fun event! Thanks Martha!

    1. Karen, it's from clicking the label, then you copy that URL and paste it on the linky, so all the same labels in your blog will show, for late visitors, so they can see them all :o)

  45. How much fun Ayala... I was so excited when I found your Challenge... I have just added my link... now I can't wait to check out all the gorgeous faces... fabulous idea...

    Jenny x

  46. Love this idea! I just signed up and have my first 3 linked up now. I've been drawing a face pretty much every day anyway, so thought I might as well commit to it! ;)

  47. I just heard about this (I'm not very good at keeping up with everything), it sounds like fun - is it too late to participate?


    1. Vicky you are still in time! Just add yourself to the Linky (button on my top menu) from the label in your post, as indicated, so all the same label posts will show, so great to have you playing!

  48. oh no I'm 8 days to late, I saw Vicky's post on facebook I want in!! :P can i still do it if i pop 8 drawings I actually have 4 that i been doing one aceo face a day so im half way there :)


I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!