May 17, 2012

Face 17 Donna's sketch

Probably you heard of the passing of Donna Summer. :o(
Who hasn't danced or hummed at one of her songs, even if they were only babies when she was the disco queen?
Well, today I invited anyone from the 29 faces challenge in FB to make an interpretation of her face. I invite everyone that would like to draw or paint her portrait. I am basing my sketch in a couple of photographs found online (couldn't see who is the author).

   *If you are making a Donna Summer portrait let me know! I want to make a slideshow when we are all done

This is a sketch and I will be working on it for a few days, posting the WIPs pictures:

And I will leave you with music to dance:


  1. How could you not dance when you hear Donna Summer... it is a loss and I think this is a lovely tribute and the slideshow is a great idea...xx

  2. Great idea to do an art tribute and love your WIP. Happy PPF, Annette x

  3. Anonymous17 May, 2012

    what a lovely tribute. She was the disco queen and I did enjoy her music.

  4. oh...looking good so far...what joy she

  5. Will hopefully be creating portrait today...she was a fabulous Lady, and I love your tribute :D XXX

  6. Wonderful drawing, so much character in it. What a great idea to make a portrait slideshow! Happy PPF!

  7. Martha I boogied & jiggled to Donna back in my day (maybe slightly before my day LOL) & love your tribute! I have been watching your posts, your faces drawn & blogged... with envy LOL, really they are great & your commitment is inspiring, hope to catch up soon :)

  8. Wonderful sketch ~ wonderful tribute ~ hugs to you ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  9. Love your sketch, Donna Summer will be sadly missed and an art tribute is such a lovely idea. I read this post earlier and was so inspired that I went off and painted my contribution!

  10. R.I.P. Donna! I remember parents being scandalized by her songs and videos back in the day, talking about how she was glorifying prostitution. Now you watch them and she seems like such a lady!

    1. Some of the songs are still pretty wild.... I like the more pg13 lol... But the rhythm is irresistible :o}

  11. I like your sketch Martha. Nicely done. I have an album by her. The big disco album and haven't played it in a long time. I don't know if my record player has a needle or I'd play it to pay tribute to her. Love your work. Have a wonderful weekend and if it's hot over there, turn your ac on. I know I will. Take care.

  12. Oh donna. Won't she be missed. What a disco icon. Wonderful tribute idea. Will love to see the finished piece. Happy PPF

  13. A beautiful tribute to a great artist, your sketch already looks very good. Saludos

  14. What a great way to honor the disco legend! I love the energy in her hair (I have been working on drawing hair lately so I am really noticing good hair now...) Happy PPF!

  15. Very sad news and you did a great job on the sketch. I might go for your challenge tonight. :)

  16. Your sketch looks amazing, I think your final product will be so beautiful as all your work!
    Happy PPF!

  17. I really like your sketch. What a great way to tribute a great singer. Happy PPF!

  18. That is a beautiful sketch - love the curls! They're dancing;-)

  19. Lovely tribute to a beautiful, talented singer!

  20. We seem to be losing so much talent lately. Your painting will be a wonderful way to remember the great Disco Diva.

  21. lovely sketch,she was an icon for sure

  22. I still love Donna Summer. What a great idea!!

  23. I love Donna Summer and I love this song! She always made me dance! Bless her heart suffering with cancer! She is dancing above us all now ;o) Love the face Martha ;o) Hugs ;o)

  24. Can't wait to see her finished and thanks for the challenge.... I've just joined in and have a lot of catching up to do but it should be fun :)
    Chris x

  25. Martha, I am way behind on blog posts, so not going to comment on every post, but please know I am reading them all, and enjoying all of your artwork and faces.

    I especially love this one! I know it will be beautiful when all done, it is already. Couldn't believe it when I heard she had passed. I am too young to really know her but had heard a lot of her music from my mom listening to her. One of my favorite songs is No More Tears!

  26. Very nice!! Such a great artist of our lifetime!! RIP Donna!
    Great idea!!

    Hugs Giggles

  27. Wow, lovely rendition of a true star! HPPF!

  28. Your sketch is really good. Donna was a great songstress. Delightful idea to have a collage of Donna portraits.

  29. She will be greatly missed. I love how she's smiling in your sketch.

  30. Anonymous21 May, 2012

    Great sketch, Martha.


  31. Joyful portrait and beautiful tribute.

  32. I love how you handle your loss. This is an amazing sketch of Ms. Summer. Blessings, Janet PPF

  33. I've done a couple of portraits of her: one in ink and one with watercolor pencil...

    Yours is awesome! :)

    1. Thanks Jessica! I will add yours too, how do you want me to give you credit? what name? It can be your or your blog or you tell me :o)


I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!