June 18, 2011

Updating stuff

I have been updating things in my blog (see my new widget to the left?), and figuring stuff in tumblr. If you are in tumblr let me know and I'll follow!)
Even with the heat I have been taking the kids places ...and thinking what to paint. Have I sit down to paint...? no, not yet :oP But like the pinguin in Toy Story "I feel a song coming on!" in my case it would be a painting. You don't want me singing hahaha

I have in mind to paint something based on Bright Star. I am still fascinated with that movie! I made a couple of sketches but nothing scanned yet. In fact, I'm not sure if I want to do it that way, because that is my most usual way of painting. I want to know the end before I even start. Does that happen to you?
Probably that's more for realistic painting, where you have a fixed idea of what and where you will paint. But I want to go more into the abstracted, unexpected path, which is a bit scary for me :o0

For now so far I have done some texture on wood and a portrait outlined. I will splash many more layers and see where that takes me :o)

OK. I hope everyone has a happy Father's day. And have some ice cream!


  1. Cool painting Martha ;o) Abstract is scary at first, but fun! Let yourself go ;o) I hope you had a good father's day too ;o) And, I hope you had some ice cream too ;o)

  2. Can't wait to see where this goes!

  3. This looks like a good foundation - very interesting

    I tend to have a combo of knowing and not knowing where I am going - never sure though - keep going and please share!

    Thank you!
    ~ Diane Clancy


I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!