October 26, 2011

Working on the blog

I am currently working on my blog, sorry if it shows all kinds of crazy postings! I had made a plan, but the tags were not right so I have been updating and I'm afraid it will show like new posts. Hopefully I am not flooding anyone's page :o)

Let me know what you think. This is always a work in progress :o)
I am not sure if I like the two columns yet. I am used to the three columns! And now it's a bit wider, so not sure if there will ever be room for a fancy background....


  1. I love the top of your blog with the light blue and dark blue, links on! Looking cool! What ever you feel happy with we will also. Its your blog and what ever you do with it, we'll love it because its apart of you! Julie

  2. Thanks Julie! So it doesn't look too wide? I know ever person has a different screen resolution so I'm hoping to stay in a reasonable size. And I tend to stuff tons of colors together but it was overwhelming for a while LOL
    I know I will be tired of white soon :oP

  3. Martha, I think it is looking great!! Keep it up ;o)

  4. I think it looks great Martha. Sometimes 3 rows across gets a bit confusing to the viewer ...

  5. WOW, It looks wonderful in here. I love the sides. you have done a great job!!

  6. Thanks Stacy!
    Karen, I am liking the 2 columns now :o)
    Marie thank you!
    I was able to add a color in the sides, because as I expected, the white got me tired te hee hee hee

  7. Love it Martha, so sunny and happy to visit... I have been neglecting my blog a little, needs a makeover, it seems when I am finished being busy with work, school activities & just house stuff, my brain goes in circles LOL I just can't make up my mind what to do, so it remains basic black for now... kudos on yours looking so good :)

  8. Shelle that happens to me too but then I get the itch to change it all. You are coming to nicer weather this time of year, right? More stuff to do with the kids too., enough to keep one busy for sure!


I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!