September 19, 2012

Total fiasco...

My face today is a total fiasco :oP I decided to make a male face, and to make someone very recognizable. So yes, you can tell it is Dali, but half way there i lost interest. You can tell by the cat next to him LOL Horrible!
Oh well... this goes to show there are some days that it just counts as an effort, but not a well done job. It is still learning! :o)

Tomorrow I will either erase the cat and finish the portrait, or give up all together.


  1. But this is a marvellous image Martha. Would love to see it in multicoloured glory :D XXX

  2. I like it--keep going!! :)

  3. I vote for "keep going" as well - It may need work - but I think it is a wonderful image!

  4. He looks great, like his expression! Would have loved to take part...maybe next time. Blessings, Amanda

  5. I loves it! I don't think it's horrible at all. I love the whimsy of it, and the cat makes it work in my opinion.

  6. Great job with the eyes. I don't think it's a fiasco at all. I resist doing male faces, and when I try, they still end up looking like women!

    1. Debbie, look in my old posting for the "June Guys" I have a lot of male portraits and tips on how to make the face look masculine. (On my side bar you can see the icon for it)

  7. Ohhh.... Thanks everyone! I was about to just skip the page, but I will finish it. The cat is definitely gone! hehehe

  8. This is an unmistakable likeness of Dali! Great sketch Martha

  9. It is beautiful simply because it flowed from your head to your heart, to your hands and then forever on the paper. It took a very,very bad multiple diagnosis for me to learn that, I hope you find that peace in yourself without the same. Never throw out what you create, whether it is museum quality or something you don't even know what it is. Art is our soul, not a formidable critic. Oh, and BTW I think it looks awesome. :)

  10. love it Martha so like him and so fun i did a Dali influenced work once and remember the fun i had, it was like a dreamscape Dali style lol

  11. Cool to see the before and after... Glad you kept going, turned out great!


I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!