September 19, 2011

WIP ACEO and my 17th day of 30

Art I made today, so exciting to me...


Why? because I can finally manage my ink pen again! My thumb is getting better; I can bend it to the front, but not yet to the back... I had to run and make some ACEO with Halloween and Dia de los Muertos Art :o)
I think the funniest card is the one with the paper bag costume heheh You can't tell yet, without the color, but I will show more tomorrow.

There was no posting yesterday, on Sunday. We spent the day driving to see my MIL in the hospital and it was a long drive both ways, 7 1/2 hrs. I hope she feels better soon, it is sad to live away and have a dear family member in the hospital :o/

I hope you had a beautiful Monday. I did.


  1. Yay! I am so glad your thumb is feeling better. I can't wait to see these beauties in color.

    Healing thoughts and prayers for your MIL. Hope she feels better soon!

  2. Thank you Debbie, she needs the prayers♥

  3. Cute, cute, cute! =) Best wishes to your mother in law, Kathryn

  4. Hey Martha, I agree with Debbie, yeh, so glad your thumb is feeling better ;o) I love the aceo's! Can't wait to see them done! I have my eye on some ;o) LOL! I hope MIL feels better soon! My thoughts and prayers are with her ;o)

  5. Thanks Kathryn!
    Stacy, yes, it's been a long time for my thumb, the worse part was not being able to even write.
    Thanks for the good wishes for my MIL ♥


I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!