Well, I was planning to write a fancy recap for my art year, and celebrate the last day of 2011 here on the blog, but what do you know... life had other plans. We had to go to the mechanics to check on the brakes and other mechanical surprises, and that took the whole day (and a fat bill of course!) Hours later after having lunch out, running a few errands and coming back home to do lots of laundry from the trip, all I wanted to do was watch one of my new movies (Did I mention my husband gave me a collection of the Jane Austen movies from the BBC?)
Just came to check on emails and such, to discover I sold an art card in my Etsy shop... that felt so good! The last day of the year. Thank you! ♥
May your new year be... Awesome, happy, artsy, fun, creative, exciting,
positive, rich, blessed, productive, adventurous, fulfilling,
enlightening, thrilling, and full of passion. Because after all, it is the year of the Dragon, fearless creature.
Here's to another year of friendship and art!
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December 31, 2011
December 30, 2011
San Simeon and La Cuesta Encantada
Living in the desert, we take any chance to go to the coast and enjoy the fair weather, cool breeze and wonderful ocean smell. All the flowers and salty scents that seem to foat there. This year we finally went to Hearst Castle, in San Simeon, in La Cuesta Encantada (The Enchanted hill). Something I wanted to do for a long time, but I didn't want to deal with strollers or tired little kids. Now that the kids are older, they had fun, and enjoyed the trip as well.
What a place that is! 165 rooms, tons of art, sculptures and original architectural European elements, beautiful vistas, way over-the-board details, like the gold floor by the Roman pool... And gardens to die for. Specially if you are not in good shape, because there's tons of stairs to climb to go all through them ;o)
All in all, it took W.R. Hearst 28 years to build it, and it still was not finished. Which is understandable, since his original plan was to build two small cottages, and he kept adding to it.
We went to 2 tours and I strongly recommend the "Upper Suites" tour. I'm sure all the tours are fine, but I liked the first so much more than the other, though the Grand Rooms has a movie with all kinds of famous people of the time, visiting the castle in those years.
For their copyright reasons I can't post pictures of the insides, but you can check out some of the art HERE
After that we went to Cambria, a place I love. Walked in the beach, relaxed just listening to the waves, enjoyed the blessed feeling.... then came back home.
I will come back tomorrow to post my recap of 2011.
Thanks for visiting!
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What a place that is! 165 rooms, tons of art, sculptures and original architectural European elements, beautiful vistas, way over-the-board details, like the gold floor by the Roman pool... And gardens to die for. Specially if you are not in good shape, because there's tons of stairs to climb to go all through them ;o)
All in all, it took W.R. Hearst 28 years to build it, and it still was not finished. Which is understandable, since his original plan was to build two small cottages, and he kept adding to it.
We went to 2 tours and I strongly recommend the "Upper Suites" tour. I'm sure all the tours are fine, but I liked the first so much more than the other, though the Grand Rooms has a movie with all kinds of famous people of the time, visiting the castle in those years.
For their copyright reasons I can't post pictures of the insides, but you can check out some of the art HERE
After that we went to Cambria, a place I love. Walked in the beach, relaxed just listening to the waves, enjoyed the blessed feeling.... then came back home.
I will come back tomorrow to post my recap of 2011.
Thanks for visiting!
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December 20, 2011
Merry Christmas!
I want to wish everyone a blessed Christmas.
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May the Christmas season
fill your home with joy,
your heart with love
and your life with laughter.
fill your home with joy,
your heart with love
and your life with laughter.
Let the spirit of love gently fill our hearts and homes.
In this loveliest of seasons, whatever you celebrate this time of year,
may you find many reasons for happiness.
In this loveliest of seasons, whatever you celebrate this time of year,
may you find many reasons for happiness.
And for 2012: Health, money and love! (And time to enjoy it)
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December 17, 2011
Made a background!
It took me forever and a half, but I made my own background. I like it a lot, but I am not sure I will keep it because I think there's too many things going on. Nevertheless, I am happy to finish it, even if it was at midnight!
It looks better in a wide screen. When I looked at it in the other monitor you can't even see the edges at all :oP
I used this image of a recent painting:
I probably will be playing with images to make a new banner, but that will be another day.
Good night, good morning... good weekend! (Can you believe Christmas it's only a week away!?)
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It looks better in a wide screen. When I looked at it in the other monitor you can't even see the edges at all :oP
I used this image of a recent painting:

I probably will be playing with images to make a new banner, but that will be another day.
Good night, good morning... good weekend! (Can you believe Christmas it's only a week away!?)
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December 15, 2011
Palette and reworking a painting
So.... I was not quite convinced with this lady, her hair kept bothering me, and although I wanted her kind of floating, all of a sudden her floatingness bothered me too.
I went, grabbed more paint and went at it with passion. Started with the background, then the hair. And I added a wing, and wrote on it, for a good measure (^_,^)
I am happy now!
This is a sample of the palette I used for this last step, but I did not have the first selection of colors to photograph.
Anyway, this is my post for the Palette and Paint blog, check it out HERE
Happy Paint Party Friday as well!
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I went, grabbed more paint and went at it with passion. Started with the background, then the hair. And I added a wing, and wrote on it, for a good measure (^_,^)

I am happy now!
This is a sample of the palette I used for this last step, but I did not have the first selection of colors to photograph.

Anyway, this is my post for the Palette and Paint blog, check it out HERE
Happy Paint Party Friday as well!
December 8, 2011
I had this little 4x4 canvas left on the side, undecided if I should leave her more ghostly, monochromatic. But I love color, so I added turquoise, purple and flesh tones.
See how she looked before HERE in an older post. Thanks for visiting!
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It is more like my little girls I paint in ACEO size, but with a more realistic style.
See how she looked before HERE in an older post. Thanks for visiting!
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December 7, 2011
The background? ... The hair?
There's a couple of changes in the painting but I have to say, I am still not feeling it. (-_-) I think I overworked it, and somehow, somewhere I took the wrong direction.
Here's with hair:
And here's with some changes in the background, and I worked on her mouth in a way that she is smiling:
The colors are sweet and dreamy, but there's something missing and I'm not sure what it is. Maybe the hair.
Well, I have more paintings to scan so I will be working on those.
Thanks for visiting!
OH! If you are in Pinterest, please say hello! http://pinterest.com/ayala_art
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Here's with hair:

And here's with some changes in the background, and I worked on her mouth in a way that she is smiling:

The colors are sweet and dreamy, but there's something missing and I'm not sure what it is. Maybe the hair.
Well, I have more paintings to scan so I will be working on those.
Thanks for visiting!
OH! If you are in Pinterest, please say hello! http://pinterest.com/ayala_art
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November 29, 2011
I have been playing around with this painting for a while. I usually let things sit for days if I get stuck, until the right feel comes to mind. So I printed it, and tried ideas to decide on how I want the hair on her.
These are rough sketches on wind blown hair. Initially the hair was going to be gathered in the back but I decided loose is better. The second one looks more like what I want, but it never hurts to play, right? I absolutely love painting people with acrylics.
There's more to be done on this painting, but for now that's where I'm at.
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These are rough sketches on wind blown hair. Initially the hair was going to be gathered in the back but I decided loose is better. The second one looks more like what I want, but it never hurts to play, right? I absolutely love painting people with acrylics.
There's more to be done on this painting, but for now that's where I'm at.
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November 23, 2011
Sunflower painting
I like how this one turned out, lots of texture! I have been playing, mixing and experimenting to see what I like best, and I have to say, made a bit of a mess while at it, but it is a happy mess, the kind that leaves you with treasures like when you make a cake :oD
And here is a detail from the painting. I love the jewel tones here and there:
Have a very nice and blessed Thanks Giving, to my friends in the US
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Have a very nice and blessed Thanks Giving, to my friends in the US
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November 18, 2011
T shirt!
Yaay! I just finished designing a Tshirt for my spanking new zazzle shop!
It only comes in white. I have to design the one for black background yet. Took me forever but I'm very happy with it.I also added a mug!
Tomorrow I will keep adding goodies to it.
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It only comes in white. I have to design the one for black background yet. Took me forever but I'm very happy with it.I also added a mug!
Tomorrow I will keep adding goodies to it.
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November 16, 2011
ACEO Auctions and a WIP
I posted in fb but I know many friends are not there so I am adding the links here as well. These are lots of 4 and 5 cards!
HERE, and HERE and HERE Wish me luck!
I am opening a zazzle shop. I have it almost ready, and the coolest part is that I can upload images of paintings I am not really ready to part of. I find myself attached to some paintings more than others, does it happen to you? I love sharing my work, and the goal is to be able to sell it but sometimes I get too invested in a painting that I don't want to and won't list it :o)
I always recommend when people ask me about prices, to sell the work in an amount that won't make you cry if it sells. But at the same time, you have to scarify a bit, in order to get attention and gather more buyers. It's always a moving scale, isn't it? And sometimes it's also a matter of time. You still love the painting, but you are ready to sell it. It happens more often with dolls for me. It's terrible! lol
Well, time to say good bye for now and I leave you with this WIP:
HERE, and HERE and HERE Wish me luck!
I am opening a zazzle shop. I have it almost ready, and the coolest part is that I can upload images of paintings I am not really ready to part of. I find myself attached to some paintings more than others, does it happen to you? I love sharing my work, and the goal is to be able to sell it but sometimes I get too invested in a painting that I don't want to and won't list it :o)
I always recommend when people ask me about prices, to sell the work in an amount that won't make you cry if it sells. But at the same time, you have to scarify a bit, in order to get attention and gather more buyers. It's always a moving scale, isn't it? And sometimes it's also a matter of time. You still love the painting, but you are ready to sell it. It happens more often with dolls for me. It's terrible! lol
Well, time to say good bye for now and I leave you with this WIP:

The bottom part has collage with the word "important" but the scanner doesn't show it.
This is what I did for the week....Thanks for visiting friends from the PPF!
November 15, 2011
Time is a funny thing. The days feel so slow, but then I turn around and a bunch have piled up on me without a post! :oP
My MIL's health got worse over the weekend and gave us a scare, but seems she is a bit better now.
I have been painting, and gathering goodies to list. Seems that it takes for ever just to put one listing together! Or am I just too picky? Not sure :o0
But in any case, I am listing items in ebay HERE and getting ready to do the same in Etsy
And for those that collect ACEOs keep and eye open, because I am listing sets of 4 or more cards by theme.
I realized that if I see some here, I don't feel like making more. Sales have been slow so that kind of clogs my painting mood. At least that's my theory :oS
So out with the ready, and on with the brushes! (isn't it how the saying goes?)
I have also received a couple of request for prints in other size than the original art. I am not sure what to do about it, since I am not much into prints, so I guess I will have to check on zazzle.
The guys incafepress made me mad by giving away my money I had earned, to some undisclosed charity, without telling me! Just because I did not spend or charge that money fast. So I closed that shop. I should be able to select what charity my money goes to and be notified before they will do that. Ugh.
And going back to art, here's what's on my table:
I rarely do such dark colors, and more than pensive she looks sad. My husband said she was haunted, even when I soften her eyes quite a bit before he looked at her lol
The scanner can't take the whole painting, so i will have to take a picture, but so far I'm happy with it :o)
My MIL's health got worse over the weekend and gave us a scare, but seems she is a bit better now.
I have been painting, and gathering goodies to list. Seems that it takes for ever just to put one listing together! Or am I just too picky? Not sure :o0
But in any case, I am listing items in ebay HERE and getting ready to do the same in Etsy
And for those that collect ACEOs keep and eye open, because I am listing sets of 4 or more cards by theme.
I realized that if I see some here, I don't feel like making more. Sales have been slow so that kind of clogs my painting mood. At least that's my theory :oS
So out with the ready, and on with the brushes! (isn't it how the saying goes?)
I have also received a couple of request for prints in other size than the original art. I am not sure what to do about it, since I am not much into prints, so I guess I will have to check on zazzle.
The guys incafepress made me mad by giving away my money I had earned, to some undisclosed charity, without telling me! Just because I did not spend or charge that money fast. So I closed that shop. I should be able to select what charity my money goes to and be notified before they will do that. Ugh.
And going back to art, here's what's on my table:

I rarely do such dark colors, and more than pensive she looks sad. My husband said she was haunted, even when I soften her eyes quite a bit before he looked at her lol
The scanner can't take the whole painting, so i will have to take a picture, but so far I'm happy with it :o)
November 11, 2011
November 10, 2011
We have a winner!
Thank you so very much to all the people that participated in this giveaway!
I was going to make little cut papers and run the video, but I am short of time, so thank goodness for the Random Number Generator site.... Here we go!~
The winner is post #20, hastingshall2
Congrats! I will contact you to get your information and have this painting in the mail!
By the way, something funky happened in the follower box. I saw with my own little eyes that Faye was #400, she saw it too... then it wasn't...? Maybe someone un-joined (is there such a word??) and the numbers switched?
Well, in any case, she is the same person that won! I call that a lucky day!
Thanks Faye for joining this blog, nice to meet you and congrats!
I was going to make little cut papers and run the video, but I am short of time, so thank goodness for the Random Number Generator site.... Here we go!~
The winner is post #20, hastingshall2
Congrats! I will contact you to get your information and have this painting in the mail!
By the way, something funky happened in the follower box. I saw with my own little eyes that Faye was #400, she saw it too... then it wasn't...? Maybe someone un-joined (is there such a word??) and the numbers switched?
Well, in any case, she is the same person that won! I call that a lucky day!
Thanks Faye for joining this blog, nice to meet you and congrats!
November 2, 2011
Paint Giveaway!
Hey there! Thanks for visiting! (PPF welcome!)
I have almost 400 blog followers! This is so exciting! To celebrate, I am having a giveaway!
An 8x10 inches oil painting of a girl, made by me, ready to be framed; with nice lavender tones in background..
What do you have to do...? (one, two, or as many options as you want to!)
*Post here that you want to participate.
*Share in your twitter and/or facebook (from the buttons under this post).
*Subscribe to my youtube channel, or tell more people about it, if you like my artsy videos.
*Post about it in your blog.
If you post about it any other way you can think of, come and tell me in a comment to add you again.
That's about 5 or 6 chances of winning! Each way you share, come and post again a comment to let me know, so your name is added a second or 3rd time or 4th time (✿◠‿◠)
I have almost 400 blog followers! This is so exciting! To celebrate, I am having a giveaway!
An 8x10 inches oil painting of a girl, made by me, ready to be framed; with nice lavender tones in background..
What do you have to do...? (one, two, or as many options as you want to!)

*Share in your twitter and/or facebook (from the buttons under this post).
*Subscribe to my youtube channel, or tell more people about it, if you like my artsy videos.
*Post about it in your blog.
If you post about it any other way you can think of, come and tell me in a comment to add you again.
That's about 5 or 6 chances of winning! Each way you share, come and post again a comment to let me know, so your name is added a second or 3rd time or 4th time (✿◠‿◠)
The winner will be randomly selected and published on November 10th, in the evening, pacific time.
Thanks for stopping by, for making my "3 readers blog" grow, and I hope you all have fun!
If you came from PPF and just want to say hello, that's fine too. Just make sure you say "I want to participate in the giveaway" so your name is counted!
Update! Now they are 400!! yaaay! Faye is the 400th friend, just for that she will get a little surprise from me in the mail, ♥ ♥ ♥
October 31, 2011
Coupon Sale!
I have a sale coupon! 40% off all Halloween art in this seccion of my shop:
So if you collect Halloween all through the year, this is the chance to save. Mostly ACEO, one doll and post card size art.
In other news, not so new, as you can see I decided to add some fun colors in the sides. I am happy with the way it looks. I have to say, it was easier than redecorating the house and move furniture!
I'm going to be painting for a while, before it's time to open the door 500 times to treat with candy goblins, witches, cats, dogs, robots, vampires and a variety of disguised humanoids.
Have fun and take care of all the little ones running out there tonight!
So if you collect Halloween all through the year, this is the chance to save. Mostly ACEO, one doll and post card size art.
![]() |
In other news, not so new, as you can see I decided to add some fun colors in the sides. I am happy with the way it looks. I have to say, it was easier than redecorating the house and move furniture!
I'm going to be painting for a while, before it's time to open the door 500 times to treat with candy goblins, witches, cats, dogs, robots, vampires and a variety of disguised humanoids.
Have fun and take care of all the little ones running out there tonight!
October 28, 2011
Blog tip, share buttons
This text taken from the blogspot help files:
If you want to remove the +1 button without removing the other share buttons, you will need to edit your template code.
Before making any changes, back up your template: Design /Edit HTML /Download Full Template.
Then, on the Edit HTML page, check Expand widget templates, then find and remove the following code, then save your changes:
If you want to remove the +1 button without removing the other share buttons, you will need to edit your template code.
Before making any changes, back up your template: Design /Edit HTML /Download Full Template.
Then, on the Edit HTML page, check Expand widget templates, then find and remove the following code, then save your changes:
I am so happy to be able to get rid of it and it's too bright unmatching colors, I decided to post it as well for others that feel the same way :o)
The code was not showing well so I had to make an image of it to be able to post it right.
The code was not showing well so I had to make an image of it to be able to post it right.
October 26, 2011
Working on the blog
I am currently working on my blog, sorry if it shows all kinds of crazy postings! I had made a plan, but the tags were not right so I have been updating and I'm afraid it will show like new posts. Hopefully I am not flooding anyone's page :o)
Let me know what you think. This is always a work in progress :o)
I am not sure if I like the two columns yet. I am used to the three columns! And now it's a bit wider, so not sure if there will ever be room for a fancy background....
Let me know what you think. This is always a work in progress :o)
I am not sure if I like the two columns yet. I am used to the three columns! And now it's a bit wider, so not sure if there will ever be room for a fancy background....
I'll admit it . . .
Well, by now it is obvious that I have not ben running to paint. My capricious diva-ish muse went to take a brake, after the marathon of the last challenge.
Art is like that. Some days you are flooded with ideas, some other times you are not even in the same room as the paints and brushes. I actually have several ideas simmering in my mind, but for whatever reason I have not sat to paint them. Is that still creators block? Maybe not. Maybe is some kind of artistic procrastination? Or maybe just not enough of an itch to paint. I can't really pin point what it is.
My husband was gone a week (in which I did not sleep) then he took some days off (in which I hardly connected online, or did anything artsy) and although I absolutely love to have him around (It's the best thing in the world to me, not even second to chocolate) that pretty much took off the edge or balance of my very fickle muse. (Well, I did sculpt a polymer baby, and was shipped for a baby-tour).
Then there's the other thing, some funky problems within my extended family that are splashing a bit too close home, I won't bore you, but it can be draining...
I guess I could talk about it all day, and dissect the feelings for weeks. But that would not resolve a thing, so instead, I will grab my paint, brushes and camera. See what I come up with. I always tell my kids "it doesn't have to be perfect, but it has to be done on time"
One hour later: I just finished the polymer baby visiting me, took pictures and will post about it in the other blog.
Ta ta for now and thanks for stopping by!
Art is like that. Some days you are flooded with ideas, some other times you are not even in the same room as the paints and brushes. I actually have several ideas simmering in my mind, but for whatever reason I have not sat to paint them. Is that still creators block? Maybe not. Maybe is some kind of artistic procrastination? Or maybe just not enough of an itch to paint. I can't really pin point what it is.
My husband was gone a week (in which I did not sleep) then he took some days off (in which I hardly connected online, or did anything artsy) and although I absolutely love to have him around (It's the best thing in the world to me, not even second to chocolate) that pretty much took off the edge or balance of my very fickle muse. (Well, I did sculpt a polymer baby, and was shipped for a baby-tour).
Then there's the other thing, some funky problems within my extended family that are splashing a bit too close home, I won't bore you, but it can be draining...
I guess I could talk about it all day, and dissect the feelings for weeks. But that would not resolve a thing, so instead, I will grab my paint, brushes and camera. See what I come up with. I always tell my kids "it doesn't have to be perfect, but it has to be done on time"

One hour later: I just finished the polymer baby visiting me, took pictures and will post about it in the other blog.
Ta ta for now and thanks for stopping by!
October 19, 2011
Treasures found
DH took a couple of days off so I hardly been online :o) ....Or painted anything for that matter! LOL But having fun.
Few days ago, while digging for treasures in some forgotten boxes, I came upon a bunch of scrap-booking magazines. They are in perfect condition and I don't know what to do with them. I don't want to toss them in the recycling bin, but they are from like 2002 or something. They are very nice magazines with pretty pages.
I wonder if I should list them on ebay? Not sure.
In another box we had this cool drawing books from my kids. Those I know I could list.
I also took to the recycling bin bunch of stuff, and boxes as well, so I have more room in there. My philosophy is, if I can store it in a box for months and didn't miss it, I can very well donate/recycle/sell. I will be listing some angels that I was collecting, but decided to keep just the bigger pieces. I absolutely love wood carved angels, so if you like them too, keep an eye over here :o)
The thing is to remember at the right time to make the listing... or does that matter anymore? I have not listed on ebay for the longest time!
That's it for now, but here's a fun optical illusion. Funny isn't it?
I will see you soon, if your eyes are not all crossed :oP
Few days ago, while digging for treasures in some forgotten boxes, I came upon a bunch of scrap-booking magazines. They are in perfect condition and I don't know what to do with them. I don't want to toss them in the recycling bin, but they are from like 2002 or something. They are very nice magazines with pretty pages.
I wonder if I should list them on ebay? Not sure.
In another box we had this cool drawing books from my kids. Those I know I could list.
I also took to the recycling bin bunch of stuff, and boxes as well, so I have more room in there. My philosophy is, if I can store it in a box for months and didn't miss it, I can very well donate/recycle/sell. I will be listing some angels that I was collecting, but decided to keep just the bigger pieces. I absolutely love wood carved angels, so if you like them too, keep an eye over here :o)
The thing is to remember at the right time to make the listing... or does that matter anymore? I have not listed on ebay for the longest time!
That's it for now, but here's a fun optical illusion. Funny isn't it?
I will see you soon, if your eyes are not all crossed :oP

October 15, 2011
Long week
Well, I never really planned not to post for a week, but even when I was online, and I made some art, for whatever reason I never made it to click on "post" in the blog.
These past few days I actually worked on a polymer baby, the pictures on my doll blog.
DH was out of town on a business trip and that is stressing for me so I was a owl at night then a zombie next day. Every day. For a week. Yeah, I have circles under my eyes. :oP
That takes a toll on the creative part of the brain, definitely. I took this time to clean/throw/organize things that I hardly ever think of, like light fixtures, books, shelves. My next project has to be the kitchen. I have not been through all the shelves for ages literally. I have an aunt who used to clean them every month, along with her closets. Not me! Imagine all the treasures I will find hehehe
Anyway, this was not an artsy posting as you can see by now, but more like an update. But from my lack of sleep, I have the inspiration of painting about dreams :o) So lets see what I can come up with to post later.
A lot of people go with the seasons and holiday art... but I have to be inspired to do something. I admire those people that have everything ready for Christmas, way in August... Or have their Valentine's items ready in November.
And talking about of that.... I still have available the code for Fall! fall15off on every item in my shop.
Everything :oD http://www.etsy.com/shop/AyalaArt
I hope you have a nice rest of the weekend! For now, I will get ready to welcome my sweetheart home ♥
These past few days I actually worked on a polymer baby, the pictures on my doll blog.
DH was out of town on a business trip and that is stressing for me so I was a owl at night then a zombie next day. Every day. For a week. Yeah, I have circles under my eyes. :oP
That takes a toll on the creative part of the brain, definitely. I took this time to clean/throw/organize things that I hardly ever think of, like light fixtures, books, shelves. My next project has to be the kitchen. I have not been through all the shelves for ages literally. I have an aunt who used to clean them every month, along with her closets. Not me! Imagine all the treasures I will find hehehe
Anyway, this was not an artsy posting as you can see by now, but more like an update. But from my lack of sleep, I have the inspiration of painting about dreams :o) So lets see what I can come up with to post later.
A lot of people go with the seasons and holiday art... but I have to be inspired to do something. I admire those people that have everything ready for Christmas, way in August... Or have their Valentine's items ready in November.
And talking about of that.... I still have available the code for Fall! fall15off on every item in my shop.
Everything :oD http://www.etsy.com/shop/AyalaArt
I hope you have a nice rest of the weekend! For now, I will get ready to welcome my sweetheart home ♥
October 9, 2011
It's been a sweet day. It started since yesterday when my friend from Australia sent me good wishes ♥
Then today, after our family wished a happy day to my daughter and me (we share the day and the cake!) .....the computer wished me happy me too. I love that part of technology. Always on time :o)
Oh, and friends from PPF wished me a happy day early too, since Friday, thanks!!
We went to have lunch to one of my favorite places. Then a little shopping. We were going to go to the movies also but the line was long and I didn't feel like waiting, so we went for a little drive, then ice cream.
I'm still going to have cake, don't you doubt that for a second! I just won't have all the candles, I'm afraid to cause a fire now a days LOL :o)
Happy birthday to John Lennon, and to Annoying Orange as well.
And Thank YOU very much for visiting this little blog and make me smile with your comments.
Then today, after our family wished a happy day to my daughter and me (we share the day and the cake!) .....the computer wished me happy me too. I love that part of technology. Always on time :o)
Oh, and friends from PPF wished me a happy day early too, since Friday, thanks!!
We went to have lunch to one of my favorite places. Then a little shopping. We were going to go to the movies also but the line was long and I didn't feel like waiting, so we went for a little drive, then ice cream.
I'm still going to have cake, don't you doubt that for a second! I just won't have all the candles, I'm afraid to cause a fire now a days LOL :o)
Happy birthday to John Lennon, and to Annoying Orange as well.
And Thank YOU very much for visiting this little blog and make me smile with your comments.
October 7, 2011
Third video demo
Here's the last demo of the three ladies I've been working on. If you have not subscribed, go ahead and you will be notified of any new art videos I upload in youtube.
Thanks for your visit and have a wonderful weekend! I will be eating cake on Sunday, my B-day!
Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter

Thanks for your visit and have a wonderful weekend! I will be eating cake on Sunday, my B-day!
Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter
October 5, 2011
Steve Jobs
Wonderful quotes by Steve Jobs:
-"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do... If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on."
-"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."
-"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become."
-"Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new."
-"We're here to put a dent in the universe."
Steve Jobs. RIP
Update: Photo of a site that published this post in Daily Inspired (Thanks Jane Farmer)
-"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do... If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on."
-"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."
-"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become."
-"Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new."
-"We're here to put a dent in the universe."
Steve Jobs. RIP
Update: Photo of a site that published this post in Daily Inspired (Thanks Jane Farmer)

October 4, 2011
I wasn't going to post today but...
This isn't exactly about art, but still sort of related. I got an email notifying me some of my post were being published here. Two the same day! I thought it was cool and wanted to share. One of them is my post from yesterday :oP
I know... I said there was not going to be a post today, but I'm hooked now! :o)
See you tomorrow!
I know... I said there was not going to be a post today, but I'm hooked now! :o)
See you tomorrow!
October 3, 2011
30th of 30 days of Art....
Well, what do you know...? We are in the 30th day of 30! I didn't do much painting today, but I managed to do a bit of collage, a bit of editing in a video, and took a picture for the blog. Which by the way, I worked also on my blog remodeling and new buttons, coming up sometime after Oct 10th.
For the past few days I have been playing with all kinds stuff to incorporate to a mixed media painting. This project could end up being a tutorial video. But time -and editing- will tell :o)
For now, here's a photo of a work in progress. DH says I should stop right there... I want to keep going a bit more. We'll see at the end how it looks!
Thanks for visiting! These 30 days to get your art on were awesome for the creativity point of view; it was a great wave of energy for me, but it was also a bit stressing with all the computer drama and other stuff, and feeling that I had to come and post, even if it was 10 pm like right now! So... you won't see me tomorrow! But I will be back with more to share! ♥
Oh wow... I have 389 blog friends! That's too close to 400. Sounds to me like it's time for another Giveaway!
For the past few days I have been playing with all kinds stuff to incorporate to a mixed media painting. This project could end up being a tutorial video. But time -and editing- will tell :o)
For now, here's a photo of a work in progress. DH says I should stop right there... I want to keep going a bit more. We'll see at the end how it looks!
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Work in progress Mixed Media Acrylic paint |
Thanks for visiting! These 30 days to get your art on were awesome for the creativity point of view; it was a great wave of energy for me, but it was also a bit stressing with all the computer drama and other stuff, and feeling that I had to come and post, even if it was 10 pm like right now! So... you won't see me tomorrow! But I will be back with more to share! ♥
Oh wow... I have 389 blog friends! That's too close to 400. Sounds to me like it's time for another Giveaway!
October 2, 2011
Mermaid WIP 29th of 30 days of art
Today was a weird day. We were going to do one thing, but we had to do another... and I the end, we did neither. I pretty much stayed home with a kid still getting better of a cold, and another with a bunch of homework, while my husband went to see his mom at the hospital. I didn't want to take a sick kid and make grandma feel even worse.
So anyway, I worked on a video that I will post next week, did a bunch of house work, and managed to kinda sorta begin to ink one of my mermaids. Her hair is coral... with ink her eye difference in size can be more noticeable.
Maybe with a different technique I feel more inclined with following this line. Ink and diluted acrylics are not calling me for this one piece in particular. (-'_'-)
I also worked in some "social media" buttons for my blog, like youtube, twitter, facebook, etc. I guess it's that time of year when I get itchy for changing things around, only that I don't have a lot of time for it right now, but it is in my mind :o) When I made the ones for my website, it took me forever, but hopefully this time around it will be easier.
Thanks for coming by!
So anyway, I worked on a video that I will post next week, did a bunch of house work, and managed to kinda sorta begin to ink one of my mermaids. Her hair is coral... with ink her eye difference in size can be more noticeable.
Maybe with a different technique I feel more inclined with following this line. Ink and diluted acrylics are not calling me for this one piece in particular. (-'_'-)

I also worked in some "social media" buttons for my blog, like youtube, twitter, facebook, etc. I guess it's that time of year when I get itchy for changing things around, only that I don't have a lot of time for it right now, but it is in my mind :o) When I made the ones for my website, it took me forever, but hopefully this time around it will be easier.
Thanks for coming by!
October 1, 2011
Feel like spammer... and my 28th day of 30
One of my plans is being more active in my videos again, and invite people to be part of it, if they are interested. I very rarely send bulk emails. And I just sent one. It was to a list of friends, not strangers but I still nevertheless, feel uncomfortable now :oP
I suppose I can put together a newsletter and have people decide if they want to sign up. Maybe that will remedy the spammy guilty feeling :o) One more thing for my "to do" list I guess.
The art part of this post consists of a series of sketches I made based on mermaids. I absolutely love mermaids, and in fact, they were one of my favorite things that I drew since I was a little girl.
I started these a while ago, but never got to the ink part of it, because I hesitated in the new character with one eye smaller than the other. I wanted to create something different than what I usually do, and at the moment I liked it, but then I thought.... maybe not so much. It would be, if anything, just a small series as opposed an ongoing theme or character, that I think is better, in the sense that you get to be known for "it", whatever "it" might be.
Which is another of my constant goals: to have some common thread in the style, or some main theme that will be recognizable, and not something so variable, random and hotchpotch that not even myself would know who made it lol :oD
That's the problem when you like doing too many things and too many styles I guess.
Have a good day!
I suppose I can put together a newsletter and have people decide if they want to sign up. Maybe that will remedy the spammy guilty feeling :o) One more thing for my "to do" list I guess.
The art part of this post consists of a series of sketches I made based on mermaids. I absolutely love mermaids, and in fact, they were one of my favorite things that I drew since I was a little girl.

I started these a while ago, but never got to the ink part of it, because I hesitated in the new character with one eye smaller than the other. I wanted to create something different than what I usually do, and at the moment I liked it, but then I thought.... maybe not so much. It would be, if anything, just a small series as opposed an ongoing theme or character, that I think is better, in the sense that you get to be known for "it", whatever "it" might be.
Which is another of my constant goals: to have some common thread in the style, or some main theme that will be recognizable, and not something so variable, random and hotchpotch that not even myself would know who made it lol :oD
That's the problem when you like doing too many things and too many styles I guess.
Have a good day!
September 30, 2011
PPF and 27th day of 30
Getting close to the goal of 30 days! Hello PPF! I actually rushed to have this video ready to show for this party, I hope you like it! I am aiming to be more actively making videos, so you might like to subscribe to get them in your youtube page.
I hope you have fun visiting blogs! I know I do, for the whole week ♥
Thank you so very much for all your comments!
Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter
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Remember. Woman with calla lilies |
I hope you have fun visiting blogs! I know I do, for the whole week ♥
Thank you so very much for all your comments!
Check my available art and online classes get my newsletter
September 29, 2011
Halloween ACEOs for the 26th day of 30
I want to say, the best part of a challenge is to push the regular schedule and get out of the comfort zone. It's been close to a month for this 30 days of art, and I have enjoyed the challenge even with all the household and computer drama, because I felt a new wave of creativity in my mind.
I do not work fast, and I don't know how some people have a video ready each week, with all the complicated taping, editing and working.... so far I am in the second video, of the 3 I challenged myself to make. It is a very simple video, mind you. But will upload in youtube tomorrow.
The other thing to challenge besides painting daily, is adding them to Etsy...! so I listed 2 ACEO today that I painted a few days ago, click picture to see listing:
I think their little dresses turned out cute. I am not always happy with the dresses :o)
At the end of the challenge, I will go back to post every other day. I think that leaves the post with a bit more time of exposure, although some people get the post by email.
But definitely I need to list more, so I can paint more!
Thanks for visiting and see you soon ♥
I do not work fast, and I don't know how some people have a video ready each week, with all the complicated taping, editing and working.... so far I am in the second video, of the 3 I challenged myself to make. It is a very simple video, mind you. But will upload in youtube tomorrow.
The other thing to challenge besides painting daily, is adding them to Etsy...! so I listed 2 ACEO today that I painted a few days ago, click picture to see listing:
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Funny Paper Bag Costume |
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Pumpkin Balloon |
At the end of the challenge, I will go back to post every other day. I think that leaves the post with a bit more time of exposure, although some people get the post by email.
But definitely I need to list more, so I can paint more!
Thanks for visiting and see you soon ♥
September 28, 2011
Video, and 25th of 30 days of Art
One of the paintings is done, and the video is up:
If you like it please rate thumbs up at the youtube site! :oD
If you like it please rate thumbs up at the youtube site! :oD
September 27, 2011
Fail Monday , Better Tuesday, 24th of 30 of Art
Well, I am glad yesterday is over. Some Mondays are like that. I was able to be online a couple of times for a couple of minutes but I had my poor baby sick, so I had gatorade in hand and a mission to make sure she would drink it. She grew another inch this past 2 days she was sick!
Today I send her to school since she had no fever but told her to call me if she didn't feel good. I am on call. And later this afternoon is my son's Senior pictures, so he better not get sick too! :o)
I painted yesterday but at the end of the day, didn't even post. Oh well. All it took was an intention to blog for 30 days in a row to have all kinds of calamities falling down on my head LOL I give up! There had been a bunch of times when I can do it, I come to post, I have the art, and nothing happens, but for whatever reason these past few weeks went nuts. :oP
I am actually working on a couple of videos, but not done taping, and it takes time to edit. But I have a scanned picture and here it is:
Still needs more shadowing but so far I like the eyes.
Thanks for visiting and for your comments :o)
Today I send her to school since she had no fever but told her to call me if she didn't feel good. I am on call. And later this afternoon is my son's Senior pictures, so he better not get sick too! :o)
I painted yesterday but at the end of the day, didn't even post. Oh well. All it took was an intention to blog for 30 days in a row to have all kinds of calamities falling down on my head LOL I give up! There had been a bunch of times when I can do it, I come to post, I have the art, and nothing happens, but for whatever reason these past few weeks went nuts. :oP
I am actually working on a couple of videos, but not done taping, and it takes time to edit. But I have a scanned picture and here it is:

Thanks for visiting and for your comments :o)
September 25, 2011
The chicken story, WIP Art, and the 23rd day of 30
Sorry guys! I thought I had posted about my long distance black chicken pet before, but I didn't!
Here we go: Months ago, probably close to a year now, going down the Avenue towards the Highway, I saw what looked like a very chunky crow, but in a closer look, it was a black chicken, running free down the road! We were laughing about it, wonder how it got there, and I "adopted" her as a long distance pet. She is my black chicken.
Some weeks it disappears and later on I see it again, eating by the curb. We even stopped once to try to catch it, but it runs too fast with her long legs, she is a funny silly thing.
We took pictures of it with the cell phone but are tiny. In the ways things go, the days I have the camera, the darn chicken is hidden from view, just the shadow or nothing... and the days I am busy or can't take a picture there she is sitting pretty by a bush LOL
There is also a kid fox in that same spot, but they seem to ignore each other. and like 300 squirrels that roam around that side of the fence. There's a canal on the other side, and an oil pump, so no one will be building anything.
Somewhere down the Highway there's a place where they sell eggs, chickies and feed, we think somehow it fell from a truck or maybe even ran away from the shop.
Now, moving to the Art part of the post, this is the other lady from the video:
Now please wish me luck, because my daughter seems to have the same thing my DH had.... poor baby :o(
She spent the day with fever, but the good thing is that she went to the fair already, if we had waited for today like I wanted, our plans would been ruined.
Here we go: Months ago, probably close to a year now, going down the Avenue towards the Highway, I saw what looked like a very chunky crow, but in a closer look, it was a black chicken, running free down the road! We were laughing about it, wonder how it got there, and I "adopted" her as a long distance pet. She is my black chicken.
Some weeks it disappears and later on I see it again, eating by the curb. We even stopped once to try to catch it, but it runs too fast with her long legs, she is a funny silly thing.

We took pictures of it with the cell phone but are tiny. In the ways things go, the days I have the camera, the darn chicken is hidden from view, just the shadow or nothing... and the days I am busy or can't take a picture there she is sitting pretty by a bush LOL
There is also a kid fox in that same spot, but they seem to ignore each other. and like 300 squirrels that roam around that side of the fence. There's a canal on the other side, and an oil pump, so no one will be building anything.
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There she is, ornery thing... hiding from my camera |
Somewhere down the Highway there's a place where they sell eggs, chickies and feed, we think somehow it fell from a truck or maybe even ran away from the shop.
Now, moving to the Art part of the post, this is the other lady from the video:
Now please wish me luck, because my daughter seems to have the same thing my DH had.... poor baby :o(
She spent the day with fever, but the good thing is that she went to the fair already, if we had waited for today like I wanted, our plans would been ruined.
September 24, 2011
WIP, the Fair and 22nd day of 30
This is one of the little paintings I had in the video, and is just in progress, Looking at it in the monitor I see some details I have to work on, like the eye, which is not visible when you look at it in person, but somehow, looking at an image on the monitor, or printed, even just turning it upside down, it helps to see proportions differently. If nothing else, holding it in front of a mirror helps a lot too. I am planning to do some fun stuff when all the colors are painted, but I will show it later, not telling what it is :o)
We went to the county fair today. Just my younger kid and I, since the guys were still under the weather, and thank goodness the weather was nice (for those in the north my weather was probably horridly hot, but for us in the south, it was better than out typical day in the 100s lol), because I really didn't want to go so early, but her friends were going at that time so.,. got my umbrella for a shade, and went to the 90+ degrees heat, armed with a bottle of water.
We had fun, and I of course went to all the crafts booths and the Art exhibit where they have at least coolers, because I was not going to survive a 6 hours walk in that weather ;oP
I wish I had taken my camera! I had the cell but the pictures are tiny.
We went to see all the pigs, sheep, cows (they had a baby calf 1 day old!) and the chickens. That reminded me of my "long distance" pet, a black chicken. I think I have talked about her before. It's a funny story:
Now I better post this before I run out of Saturday!

We went to the county fair today. Just my younger kid and I, since the guys were still under the weather, and thank goodness the weather was nice (for those in the north my weather was probably horridly hot, but for us in the south, it was better than out typical day in the 100s lol), because I really didn't want to go so early, but her friends were going at that time so.,. got my umbrella for a shade, and went to the 90+ degrees heat, armed with a bottle of water.
We had fun, and I of course went to all the crafts booths and the Art exhibit where they have at least coolers, because I was not going to survive a 6 hours walk in that weather ;oP
I wish I had taken my camera! I had the cell but the pictures are tiny.
We went to see all the pigs, sheep, cows (they had a baby calf 1 day old!) and the chickens. That reminded me of my "long distance" pet, a black chicken. I think I have talked about her before. It's a funny story:
Now I better post this before I run out of Saturday!
September 23, 2011
Running out of time for the 21th day of 30
Today was a crazy busy day. (Not such a Paint Party Friday) Started around 1 AM with a sick husband (food poisoning, not my cooking though!) And continued with late-for-school kids, a hair apptm gone wrong, running with wet hair to pick up a sick kid from school and then making a quick doctor visit because said kid couldn't see well in one eye. Have you ever heard of migraines in the eye??? I never in my life heard of such a thing, but that was the doctor said.
By the time I was getting out of that visit, it was time to get my younger kid, then food, homework, errands (to get more gatorade for the poor DH) run to the post office and by the time I turned around it was time for dinner, and frankly, art was not in my list of things to do, just in my mind. Sometimes that's all the juice you'll get from a day.
That said, I want to share an awesome video "one more thing, on more time" of one of the coolest people out there:
His videos are not only motivational and inspiring, they are also artistic and funny. If at the end of the video you are not half in love with Josh, you need to take more vitamins! LOL (Check ALL his videos!)
Hope your Friday was better.... Have a beautiful and healthy weekend!
*You probably want to see newer posts if you come after Friday... I actually have art uploaded! :o) Click on the top banner and see what's up, Thanks for visiting!
By the time I was getting out of that visit, it was time to get my younger kid, then food, homework, errands (to get more gatorade for the poor DH) run to the post office and by the time I turned around it was time for dinner, and frankly, art was not in my list of things to do, just in my mind. Sometimes that's all the juice you'll get from a day.
That said, I want to share an awesome video "one more thing, on more time" of one of the coolest people out there:
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Click to see video 1mt1mt |
His videos are not only motivational and inspiring, they are also artistic and funny. If at the end of the video you are not half in love with Josh, you need to take more vitamins! LOL (Check ALL his videos!)
Hope your Friday was better.... Have a beautiful and healthy weekend!
*You probably want to see newer posts if you come after Friday... I actually have art uploaded! :o) Click on the top banner and see what's up, Thanks for visiting!
September 22, 2011
20th day of 30... so fast?
It's hard to believe that I am on day 20 of this challenge. Everything that can be going wrong, has been going wrong.... I think that has to be a new online Murphy's law or something :o}
From computer problems, to blog problems... to forgetting to post (We had the "back to school" night so I was in a hurry) then finally a day with no internet, because somehow one of the cables was pulled out of the thingie. Took me all day to figure, actually, I didn't figure it out, it was my husband. Probably the kids kicked it or pulled it accidentally, the thing is, I had no internet, but plenty of time to do stuff around.
For now I have the last of the Fall inspired ACEO:
From computer problems, to blog problems... to forgetting to post (We had the "back to school" night so I was in a hurry) then finally a day with no internet, because somehow one of the cables was pulled out of the thingie. Took me all day to figure, actually, I didn't figure it out, it was my husband. Probably the kids kicked it or pulled it accidentally, the thing is, I had no internet, but plenty of time to do stuff around.
For now I have the last of the Fall inspired ACEO:
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Paper bag costume |
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Pumpkin balloon |
I think these two are my favorite of this group. I am working on some videos, but it takes time to make them and edit them. If I finish that this century, I will post them :oP
September 21, 2011
Skeletons! 19th day of 30 days of Art
Day of the Dead ACEO finished.
Skeletons do not like dogs, I'm sure you knew that, but just in case, this little guy has a sign ;oD
Click pic to see listings
And how could I spend a fall celebration without making a Frida ACEO?
I am posting this late, but I had no internet yesterday till very late, so here you go.
Skeletons do not like dogs, I'm sure you knew that, but just in case, this little guy has a sign ;oD
Click pic to see listings
And how could I spend a fall celebration without making a Frida ACEO?
I am posting this late, but I had no internet yesterday till very late, so here you go.
September 20, 2011
Witches ACEO and 18th day of 30
Here are the couple of ACEO I finished today, two little witches! I wish I had purple boots. I already have the spiky black hat trimmed in purple cackle cackle!
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Lollipop bat |
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Butterfly in the hat |
Well, this is silly but I never clicked to post this. Oh well...
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