March 19, 2025

Tea bag Paper for Mixed Media Art

Do you like using Tea Bags for your art? After enjoying a nice cup of tea, recycle the baggy and use it for fun mixed media art stuff.
You can use it for journaling, for painting, for delicate and tiny book making. And... for Gelli printing!
have you tried it? Let me know! ♥

March 17, 2025

What day is it?

Well, can you believe that it's 2025, in middle of March? How have you been? Will you even get this blogpost??

I have been in a turmoil of not necessarily wanted stuff happening in my life, and some other things that frankly no one wants.

I don't even remember what was the last thing I posted here, but let me just say, I took a tumble.

One of the things I love doing is gardening, and after we moved across country, I thought I was going to have more space to do so, but there are deer around here, and although they look so cute, they have been chewing on everything I plant.  Very disappointing to say the least.

After a long day tending the the plants and cleaning the yard, I tripped on something, fell on the concrete in an area that slopes, so I ended up going full speed on my knees and wrists.

I broke my left wrist. 

Took forever to recuperate, was in a lot of pain, the specialist didn't do a good job, I waited a long time to finally find a good therapy.... and in the process, I didn't  pay attention to more things happening in my body.

To make the story short, I ended up having an abdominal surgery, that also took many months to recuperate from. It was scary, but things turned out ok.
After that was taken care of, my attention went to my knee, literally about a year later, along with my back. More PT, more paint, more stuff no body needs.
It was quite a fall, I'm telling you - plus the abdominal surgery that had nothing to do with the other and yet, contributed to a whole year of drama.

My mom's health deteriorated to the sad point of not being able to even speak on the phone anymore.
I was lucky to be able to go in person to hug her and get a beautiful smile from her.
That was the last time I saw her. She went to heaven March 1st.

Plus, on the way back, we all here in our house managed to catch a nasty flu. I am still going through it  the past 2 weeks.  UGH

The only thing that has kept me going is painting. I pushed myself all through the past months, to create a paint or do something art inclined, at least once a month. Art Heals.

This is not the blog post I wanted to make, but  there you go.

How have you been? I hope your year has been more pleasant and healthy than mine.
I'd love to hear from  you.

My mom loved butterflies