June 30, 2014

What happened to June?

Well, seems like the #JuneGuys month comes to an end. I managed a few before the month was over... I hope you enjoyed making the male face too!
Why does it feel the year is going too fast?
I have been working behind the scenes on various projects, but since they are still not done cooking I can't post about it. But let me say that I'm desperate to show hahaha

For now, I will post a beautiful photo of our orchid:

...and the last of my June Guys, charcoal on paper. Very vague resemblance with a young Brad P, just coincidental.

Check my monoprinting video tomorrow!

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  1. Lovely work!!

    Saskia :)

  2. This year is going by fast! I agree ;o) Gorgeous photo of your flower ;o) Cute guy drawing ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  3. Beautiful!

    This year is going so fast!


I ♥ all your comments! ~
. .Keep your paintbrush wet!